How to keep things running smoothly


Well-Known Member
1. Be polite (this applies to those representing this site especially).
2. If someone becomes rude walk away or respond with humor.
3. Listen to people's suggestions.
4. Be careful what you ask for you just might get it.
5. Before responding in angry take a few minutes and then respond.
6. If something is said, posted that is inappropriate report it right away.
7. This site is everyones.

Please feel free to add to this list. Let's keep it positive. :)


Just some idiot
Good ideas there. I have surfed a lot of these sites for the past six months and this forum seems to be the best one. Not much drama, not much newbie bashing, etc. it would be nice to keep it that way. This is a great online community, thanks everyone for helping me when I had questions and for making me feel welcome. Let's keep it that way...:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Great ideas! :)
One I always try to live by is.."If you don't have anything good to say,then its best to say nothing at all."


Active Member
:-|Came real close to getting busted today.My one neighbor is an ex marine he hardly ever comes down to stay at his house until fall.This morning I wake up to him yelling to his wife that I was growing marijuana.So I had to get rid of three incredible plants and six seedlings.I'm gonna wait a month and start indoors.It sucks when you grow something from a seed and have to rip it out.This was my first grow just wanted to see them grow old and bud.


Well-Known Member
Well since we don't have a set of rules of what not to do let's have a list of what to do.