How to keep your plants humidity up and work down


Active Member
Ok upon trying to find a way to keep my plant growing strong and healthy without really working for it i found something pretty cool about the growth rate and overall folliage of my plant so here it is.

First i took 5 cups sugar and 2 teaspoons of yeast and I put it in a 2 litter bottle and, I shook it up until I started to see it bubble.Then i heated up the end of a screw driver and put a hole in the to the cap of the bottle.

Alright then you get really any size pot you want mine was about 7 inches wide and 7 inches deep.Ok i got this soil from steins its a premium mix 0.09-0.04-0.06 Potting Mix.Then you try to get like four poles to stick in the soil one at each corner of the bucket pot etc.Then you put a real clear plastic cover over you plant thats when the poles comes in to hold it up.Tape up all lose ends to ceil it up.Be sure to water the plant 2 inches deep so that when outside the precipitation cycle will repeat.

Ok then you find some kind of tube to attach to your hole in your cap my bros has asthma so hay he gave it to me to use since he cant keep using them over again.Once you attach your hole to your bottle make a hole in the top of your clear plastic bag so that the tube is above the plant and is letting that good co2 come down on it.

Last Thoughts:These steps are to be used after the plant has sprouted and is to be used during the veg cycle and flowering cycle and if you have in questions on this be sure to message me and rate if usefull to u which I know it will


Well-Known Member
Am I reading this right, grow the plants outside, wrap them in plastic, and exhale into the bag and quickly seal it off???


Well-Known Member
What stage? Are you advocating growing inside of bags? Please be more clear.