Cool Bwpz! Ire, Ja mon,
Yeah Brother. A great product that works can be had at . However, that stuff should only be used in a last chance emegency - as it leaves a residue. I prefer no gunk on my junk... "if you feel me."

"I Wan'na smoke da medicine, not gunk on my herb dude. I'm funny that way."
Mighty wash is not for me. One should do it themselves - rid mites. It build good character, knowledge, and fashions a tighter bond with the plant and its integral aspects.
Oh...BTW. No Caliclean does not harm plants at all!!!!!!!!!!!! Its like taking an organic bath for them - no nervous system you know. No pain, no schock, no effects what-so-ever, but the good plant karma that says in the back of one's head that if the plant could speak it might say: "Thank you, I've been cured by a loving farmer."
Thank you for your feedback!
My Best,