How to mainline and SCRoG at the same time?

Mine tend to get floppy as well...use a taller tomato cage (or stakes) and there is no more problem. I had to utilize yo-yos in my last grow and those fucking suck to me because I just eliminated the mobility of my plants.
Oh I don’t use cages, no room and I’m lazy. I have a sturdy enough system, I just need to put it in BEFORE it gets floppy and I’ll be good. ScROG pro, thick “spines” you set as your squares. It’s pretty dope if you ask me
I will be trying to mainline my outdoor crop, im starting the process now.. Hopefully this method works well outside
Mainline or manifold is just a way to build a larger base plant. I do it almost every cycle.

If you are outdoor for example it will give you a larger tree in the end.

Think of it this is a way to create 8 spokes on a plant, each of which can just be a big cola (mainline style) or an entire branch and almost a mini plant of its own.

I manifold so I do not have to SCROG. SCROG restricts your ability to move around and get in there which I like. It also allows for larger buds.

Neither is better. They are both ways to increase yield. They could be used together in a case where you want one giant plant
Here's how I mainlined (5 cuts to 32 colas) and "scrogged", tomato rings and twist ties from bread. Also I did Kushman's chiropractory and snipped all the shoots as soon as stretch started. Strain is Dream Queen Humboldt


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Mainline but targeting 4 colas

If you manage the side branching below the colas so that you strip the side branch to the top two nodes you have just the right amount light penetration between the colas to give you a dense second layer under the colas that is basically as full as a scrog but without the larf.

If pruned right it will be just like a second layer of scrog.

Personally I believe this is the best yielding format for led lights

16 plants to the meter will have a FULL canopy

Defoliate week 4 by stripping all leaf in the lower layer and two nodes up the colas . Leave the leaf on the colas

Quantity and quality shake hands and the deals done
Having done SCROG and main lining, I cannot claim to have mastered either. I prefer main lining.

Main lining suits me better TBH. With my setup I can only easily access the plants from one side, so main lining lets me keep each plant mobile, which is handy IMHO. Once they are all tied together it makes things harder.

Also, it makes things easier come harvest time.
I manifold and then train them so they are like a mobile SCROG. I have 8 similar sized mains, a beautiful center that is about 8" to 12" below the tops and have the benefit of being able to move them around (unlike a SCROG.) Just diff ways to get to a similar place.
Just wanna make sure that I capeesh ...

A SCROG doesn't provide the same uniformed bud as a manifold/mainline?
It definitely can. They arent the same concept. Manifold/Mainline was created to see what happens if all the mains come out at a similar place from the base...idea that you get a lot of big colas no larf. SCROG is an even canopy created by a weaving of branches through a net.
If you mainline for 8 colas, you shouldn't need to scrog them. They shouldn't need any support at all if you supercrop each branch regularly, up and down the branch-it makes them super strong. If you mainline to 16 primary bud sites, then scrogging isn't a bad idea because the branches will need some kind of support. Even if your 8 cola mainline has noodle branches, you should just need a bamboo stake for support. I like small, mobile plants-once you scrog you are locked into that space for the duration and it's a complete pita if anything goes wrong or needs treatment.