How To Make A Bag Look Bigger?


Well-Known Member
treat your customers right, and you'll always do good business. there's the real secret to profit.
no ethic in today's generation. fucking lost

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you think a finders fee is fair, then you tell them when you accept their money, not just steal off them and try and cover it up.

Your mama must be so proud to have raised a POS thief.

I once had a "mate" who would do that kind of thing, he'd go pick something up for you because his connections didn't like to let too many people get their number, he'd just help himself to the weed. So in the end i got the dealers number, explained what this guy was upto and the guy ended up in hospital a week later. Go ahead and mock karma, doens't bother me if you don't believe in it :) What goes around comes around.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
treat your customers right, and you'll always do good business. there's the real secret to profit.
no ethic in today's generation. fucking lost
haha that wasnt the case for me in hs. did some selling then always was straight with everyone i did business with. but the other douches at the school would say i short people and then short the people they say that to. which is funny and dumb for those people to believe. the peoplethat did trust me tho did much better off than the others that didnt.


Well-Known Member
i surprised people are still replying to this dumbass kid..
let him get his and figure out shit by himself

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
So basically, 4 kids in my high school... seniors... that I know (not friends) want me to get some weed for them because their too scared of getting it themselves (preppy kids). I said sure but outside of school of course. They're all giving me 10$ each, so that's 40$ total. I was thinking of buying the 40$ worth, then keeping half to myself and then mixing their weed with chopped stems, a little bit a chopped tobacco and some stress relief tea herbs that is chopped. The tea herbs look green and they are smokable.Also I will roll the joints for them. This would look perfectly normal to them. And NO I don't feel bad for them this is business and since I am one of the poorer kids at school and can hustle them and keep that good stuff to me and my real friends. What do you guys think?

Toke Up :leaf: to all my business fellas!
I hate people like you. Your a fucking scumbag, do you know that? If that was me i would never do business with you again, thats for sure.

And for the person microwaving peanuts and rolling them in j's. What are you and the person your selling it to both retarded?


Well-Known Member
first off i'm know you're young, ...have you ever heard the saying "cheaters never prosper"?...maybe there is a reason you're poor....just sayin' hook them up you never know you could be their main hookup and start makin' some money....ever think of that..also hit them up for a finders fee..they should hook u up...again not trying to be a dick...just something to think about..peace


Active Member
in my experiences, you wanna get high, do the customer right and they are more than happy to smoke a blunt with you...


thats it, i gave the baggie to them. i didnt lace it with baccy nor tea herbs. i just told them that i went through alot of shit to get the weed therefore i told them i kept one gram to myself and gave them three gram. it was fine expect one guy was complaining but his friends told him chill the fuck out. and i added the tea herbs to my one gram joint and it was actually quite good, and the taste was exceptionally sweet. oh and in the weed i found ten seeds so imma start planting in the mountains.

Toke Up! :leaf:


Active Member
Glad you did (hope ur not bs'ing) the right thing. Got free beans, and a little something. It was the whole stealing/lying part that people didn't like. It's just bad enough we all get screwed in some form or other on a daily basis, but then to be asked how to screw someone over just doesn't go over well.


Well-Known Member
hhhhhmmmmmm.. im not convinced
i want the phone number of the main prep so i can confirm your story