How to make a giant bush?

All right I have all ready started my plants inside for this grow season I am throwing them into the floor with 10 gallons of fox farm soil per plant in the floor. I have picked out some good yielding strains, I am going to have 3 blue dreams (clones from the clinic) 1 brain storm (femenized seed from online) and 2 or 3 romulans (all ready have 6 sprouts from the seeds) My question for right now is I want to make these as high yielding as possible. I have topped my plants multiple times with success but never really got anything more than a HP off 1 plant. I want giant bushes so i was wondering which growing method will be the best? This is not my first grow this will be my 3rd out door and i am probably going to have my 2nd guerilla grow so im trying to make it worth my time this year. all comments truely appreciated. I will be having my grow journal with updated pics and everything this year to show you guys my progress.


Well-Known Member
LST for sure. Tie the main stem around the pot rim and you'll have a bush for sure with tons of bud sites. I've had great success with it for both maximizing yield and minimizing plant height in my previous soil grows.
LST for sure. Tie the main stem around the pot rim and you'll have a bush for sure with tons of bud sites. I've had great success with it for both maximizing yield and minimizing plant height in my previous soil grows.
thanks for the tip i have been reading alot about this and am going to be trying this in my hydro first cause those are all ready a good size right about 6 inches tall , so ill have some experience for my soil plants when they are big enough to tie down.


Well-Known Member
:leaf:I'm going to be trying an outdoor Scrog this year! I just super cropped my mother plants, so I can get tons of clones. LST, Super cropping, & Scrogging are the best ways to maximizing yields. Good luck!:leaf:
:leaf:I'm going to be trying an outdoor Scrog this year! I just super cropped my mother plants, so I can get tons of clones. LST, Super cropping, & Scrogging are the best ways to maximizing yields. Good luck!:leaf:
Thanks for the response i am aware of lst but what is super cropping and what is scrogg?