how to make a rhizotonic and hygrozyme?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking its a root fungi or something. No one really says what it is or came from just what it does and they are good products and I love healthy roots so maybe someone can chime in and we can learn some new stuff. Learning is always fun anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Hygrozyme = enzymes. Whip up some seed sprout tea.

Rhizotonic = snake oil. Never used the stuff. This is just my opinion after slogging through a half-page of poorly written, pseudo-scientific product description buzzword gibberish. A true high quality product sells itself; it doesn't need marketing gibberish. The description says it's algae based, so I imagine a little kelp in your mix will cover you there.


Well-Known Member
Well hell yes spicy. I was wondering about kelp when they mentioned algae, I believe cannas a good company , im sure it works but the prices of some stuff is out of hand. Thats why id like to make my own. So seed sprout Teas help w decaying and developing roots? Whats the benefit from sst and whats the best way to make it. There is no info out there or vids on you tube. I feel as if its newer? Or just hush hush.


Well-Known Member
Isn't rhizotonic supposed to be mychorrizzae in liquid form? We all know how mycos work... So probably is snake oil.

May over the next day I will be doing a video of the seed sprout tea like you asked. I will be using mung beans. I will post it tomorrow.

all the info on sst is in the rols thread and on seeddepot forums.


Well-Known Member
I'm honestly not an expert on seed sprout teas, but I've read a fair bit about them. One key enzyme in seed sprout tea is phosphatase, which helps to liberate phosphorus from things like soft rock phosphate. Sign me up!

I actually just picked up a bag of barley seed the other day. Looking forward to giving it a go.


Well-Known Member
all of a sudden all the places locally that carry barley now only carry barley seeds that are hulled. I lucked out one time getting unhulled. I haven't seen them since. I've bought mung beans for $2 a pound at Sprouts Market. I would have never thought to use mung beans until Headtreep recently posted in the rols thread about using them for sst. I've had them mung bean sprouts on a salad before.... I did an sst a couple weeks ago with mung beans too.


Well-Known Member
Hyroot- I found my barley seed at a feed store. It was in the poultry feed isle. Took me a while to track it down... Everything I could find was hulled, malted, rolled, or toasted. Paid $5 for a big ol' bag, maybe 4-5 gallons worth.


Well-Known Member
The organic/anarchist part of me hates canna nutrient bottles, let me rephase that, i hate ALL bottle nutes.

Hyroot i also been seeing this barley seed phenomenon happening everywhere.

i buy all my seed locally out here in diego at city farmers for about 6$ a pint glass of all sorts of diffrent seeds, know its kinda expensive but its local.

also would like to say that i enjoy making teas for living soil, i swear my soil is breathing with life!

Funny how i discovered the mushroom, something in me just wanted to look in the sides of the pot and there it was, beautiful yellow orange white colors.


Well-Known Member
For my enzymes i use: Organic Diastatic malt powder. Got it off a local artisan baker...he thinks i make bread.. :)

The main reason i have not used sprouted seed teas is because of time.... so i couldnt say which is better...


Well-Known Member
It seems to be out of favour.....started on page 88 (i think)

BTW the new SST 3.0 Diastatic malt aka Malted Barley Flour seems to be working just fine. This will be week 3 and its hard to say but I think it's doing more that my bubbled sprouts.
Update on the SST 3.0

AOC is recommending 1 to 2 TBL (tablespoons) 15-30ml of diastatic malt per gallon. 1 TBL is "uber-safe" but 2 TBL achieved "better results". HTH

Seems we can go a little heavier on the diastatic malt aka Malted Barley Flour. Thanks Kalyx!
I've been using the powder and getting great results but it does make sense to use fresh if available before any powders imo and could be more cost effective. CC'd mentioned going back to SST 2.0 but took a break the forum without any real explanation on why. Anyone running a side by side currently with pics? SS 2.0 vs 3.0? That would be great to see.

Off subject, I won't be around RIU too often anymore because of time issues. Hopefully things change but for now it's out of my control. I can't keep up with these large threads and life balance.

Please keep on the ROLS/No till journey!