How to make buds dense?


Active Member
What type and size of light/s are you running and what are the sized of your pots or what is your hydro setup. Also what are you running now?


Well-Known Member
I would use some KoolBloom by GH supposedly its organic. If you want to go synthetic use Big Bud. I had good results with either one.


Active Member
Haha nah for real though I hear HPS makes the densest buds. I think it's because of the higher rate of penetration and 2000k spectrum(that's right isn't it? 2000k?) If you're running CFL you'll get denser buds with additional side lighting due to the fact CFL has low penetration and can result in increased light loss.


Active Member
Well I just use great soil.. and a shit load of 250 true watts lights.. spending money on nuts is not in my vocabulary. There is no miracle Nutes, growing just takes time and soil with great food in it.. If its not to late to repot do that then, by the best O soil you can put some bat crap or even greater lama crap,, then water and don't do anything else.. If you want hard nugs with the best taste possible. do this and in 8 weeks when there done enter your nugs for best nug of the month.. photo PP Trics.jpg

Chief Widow

The key is enough lighting. Usually the more lumens the more grams you will get as long as the genetics themselves have the ability to get dense. Some strains just don't have it in there genetics to get as dense as others. A good nutrient to help is carboload which I believe comes from advanced nutrients. Also there is a microbe called taranchula that is suppose to focus the energy of the plant to the bud sites. I usually start using this right when I'm turning the lights to the 12/12 cycle to jump start bud production. I also believe the taranchula comes from AN too.
its a out door plant in a 25gallon pot and it is a good strain it has thc crystals all over but it is just not geting that dense i am using molasses and bat guano npk ratio 3-15-5
o fuck my friend just drop my plant that is out doors half of the roots got fucked up but i put it in a 3 gallon pot cause the plant is not very big do you guy think it will live i would be a lil sad if it didnt lol:sad:


Active Member
No prob. It annoys the crap out of me when people say that XXX (obviously synthetic nutrient-type product) is "supposed to be organic". Worst is the grow shops. 90% of their products are synthetic, of those 65% are the exact same molecules in different proportions/different dye added/different label/described as originating from a synonym of the common source and the other 35% are either total niche molecules or products that break several state and federal laws if they are actually sold to be used on consumable crops (these are the ones that have carcinogenic PGRs, plant growth regulators----which will not be listed on the mysteriously empty label). Guess you can't blame them for shopping from a catalog with the same proportions but damn, it does make it hard to find good organics. There are like 7 grow shops in my town and I have to go to all 7 of them to find the products in my regimen because none of them carry more than 2 (but any good grow shop who cares about organics would have all of them) and still I have to order some online.....

Dude you forgot one thing,,,, That's all those products are 90 percent water,,,, Those nut manufactures are trying to make growers there Butt slaves.. and there doing it...

Zig No Zag

Active Member
o fuck my friend just drop my plant that is out doors half of the roots got fucked up but i put it in a 3 gallon pot cause the plant is not very big do you guy think it will live i would be a lil sad if it didnt lol:sad:
It will be alright...just stick it back in the soil and baby it for a few days. I had one that was nothing but a stick in the ground, and as of today, it LIVES. I thought it was dead twice!!