How To Make Hash?

hey there fellow stoners, I've been looking at many youtube videos on how to make hash and i know you have to make shake, compress it , heat it , and cool it . I think i pretty much got it all i want to know is how can i make hash with already dried bagged and sold weed ? Is there anyway ? All I've seen is shake made from leaves but can i make it from regular weed , if so how? Thanks a bunch , and the help is much appreciated, maybe you could post a link on this thread of a video which shows you how.


Active Member
Hash is actually pretty easy to make, as I'm sure you've seen in the videos on youtube. What kind of hash do you want to make? I prefer hash oil or earwax, and we actually just made it for the first time last week....MUCH easier than we thought it would be!
But to answer your question, the better your material is, the better the hash will be. You can use leaf and trim, and the more sugary the trim is the stronger it will be. If you use buds.....well, you can imagine it's a hell of a lot more potent than trim! Just make sure your buds are nice and dry, then grind them up in a grinder or even a coffee grinder. If you want to make bubble hash, get some bubble bags; if you want to make oil or earwax or goo, then I would recommend getting an extractor....we got one from ebay for pretty cheap, and it was just easier than making one.

Again, either way, I would recommend using buds if you have them to spare. Here's a video I found that shows good detail on breaking up/packing the trim and buds, and there are TONS more on could literally sit there all day long and watch videos on this subject! Good Luck!!