How to make Tea?


Well-Known Member
Intersting stuff, I have some left over bat guano and wasnt sure on what to do with it.
Im thinking the easy thing to do with my next grow would be to mix it in the final pots with soil ready for when i transplant the seedlings into there.
Adding my advanced nutrients when needed. the NPK of the guano is 3.10.2
Could anyone say if this would be worth doing?


Well-Known Member
Here's my flowering tea:

Tap water bubbled plain for 12-24 hours
Add 2 tablespoons high P bat guano per gallon water
Add 1-2 tablespoons unsulphered blackstrap molasses per gallon water
Add 4 tablespoon worm castings per gallon water
Add 1/2 cup alfalfa meal per gallon of water (both veg and early flowering, stop after stretch)
2 teaspoons maxicrop per gallon of water

Bubble that bitch for 24-48 hours, then strain and use.

I do this every other watering.