*How To Make THC DROPS.


Well-Known Member
so you wanna play rough eh!!

ok how about this!!!

weed infused toothpaste

weed chapstick

weed infused pepperspary:mrgreen: now the person you spray hates you but only until the weed kicks in therefore less chances of a revenge attack:mrgreen:

weed blow darts for that special someone in your life:mrgreen:

and lastly weed bullets cuz once you shoot the enemy who is trying to kill you why not be merciful and let them have a relaxing death......as long as they last long enough for it to kick in:roll:

ok and my final brainstorm is weed buttsickles but dont ask me what they are yet they are still in the developMental stage:bigjoint:

with a big emphasis on the -MENTAL part:shock:



Well-Known Member
so you wanna play rough eh!!

ok how about this!!!

weed infused toothpaste

weed chapstick

weed infused pepperspary:mrgreen: now the person you spray hates you but only until the weed kicks in therefore less chances of a revenge attack:mrgreen:

weed blow darts for that special someone in your life:mrgreen:

and lastly weed bullets cuz once you shoot the enemy who is trying to kill you why not be merciful and let them have a relaxing death......as long as they last long enough for it to kick in:roll:

ok and my final brainstorm is weed buttsickles but dont ask me what they are yet they are still in the developMental stage:bigjoint:

with a big emphasis on the -MENTAL part:shock:

i'll go backwards........Marijuana without the high : pot suppositories ?



Well-Known Member
hey you shoud look into making some THC gel tabs out of them too for a more stable doseing medium, like the gell tabs they use for LSD

sounds compicated:

Thin Film Carrier: "Clearlight"
Clearlight, also called window pane, has appeared in a carrier of small film pyramids (many colors). This form was achieved by spraying a mixture of LSD/jelling agent on to plastic light covers of small pyramids. Small film squares have appeared containing 225 mics of LSD (mid 1970's).

Preparation of Clearlight Carrier: "Sheeting"
Clearlight is formed by several different ways. A mixture of an appropriate solvent, with a jelling agent (more jelling agent makes sheets more flexible) is heated. LSD in solution is thoroughly mixed with the jelling mixture and then sprayed on plastic molds or sheeted using a apparatus that makes thin layer films for chromatography applications. The individual doses are cut using a paper cutter or eye agarose film cutter.
Lamellae also called lamels or eye discs is a small medicinal gelatin disc containing a specific amount of a drug.
Formulas in parts by weight"
Gelatin Water Glycerin
Lamel 9 parts 44 parts 1 part
Gelatin Capsule 1 part 2 parts 1 part
Gelatin Capsule 16 parts 20 parts 15 parts
The heated solution can also be poured onto a waxed glass or porcelain plate, allowed to cool, peeled and cut.
Reference: Formulas for Profit 1939


Well-Known Member
or take some gel "caps" pills and take the medicine out of them, and melt them mix with the thc drops very well and let harden in molds or buttons / drops on wax paper?

might work? eh


Well-Known Member
hey you shoud look into making some THC gel tabs out of them too for a more stable doseing medium, like the gell tabs they use for LSD

sounds compicated:

Thin Film Carrier: "Clearlight"
Clearlight, also called window pane, has appeared in a carrier of small film pyramids (many colors). This form was achieved by spraying a mixture of LSD/jelling agent on to plastic light covers of small pyramids. Small film squares have appeared containing 225 mics of LSD (mid 1970's).

Preparation of Clearlight Carrier: "Sheeting"
Clearlight is formed by several different ways. A mixture of an appropriate solvent, with a jelling agent (more jelling agent makes sheets more flexible) is heated. LSD in solution is thoroughly mixed with the jelling mixture and then sprayed on plastic molds or sheeted using a apparatus that makes thin layer films for chromatography applications. The individual doses are cut using a paper cutter or eye agarose film cutter.
Lamellae also called lamels or eye discs is a small medicinal gelatin disc containing a specific amount of a drug.
Formulas in parts by weight"
Gelatin Water Glycerin
Lamel 9 parts 44 parts 1 part
Gelatin Capsule 1 part 2 parts 1 part
Gelatin Capsule 16 parts 20 parts 15 parts
The heated solution can also be poured onto a waxed glass or porcelain plate, allowed to cool, peeled and cut.
Reference: Formulas for Profit 1939

i've seen my share of that actually. Berkeley 1986. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
many moons ago, when I wanted to be super stealth in my self-abuse...i used to put honey oil into emptied out gel caps and injest them....it usually took up to an hour to kick in but...the high was rather intense and lasted a long time.....I loved to do that.....at the time.


Well-Known Member
many moons ago, when I wanted to be super stealth in my self-abuse...i used to put honey oil into emptied out gel caps and injest them....it usually took up to an hour to kick in but...the high was rather intense and lasted a long time.....I loved to do that.....at the time.

hmmmm ...sounds like it would give you the chits... but anywho:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
interesting....never had that problem....I mean we're talking just a couple of drops only into a gelcap....more often than not it was complete couch lock! staring mindlessly into space unable to move....I loved it a lot at the time.... :blsmoke:
hmmmm ...sounds like it would give you the chits... but anywho:mrgreen:


Active Member
OK, I finally got the kids out of the house long enough to give this a try.

I took two bud pieces about the size of two quarters together for from some pretty high-grade mids I got. I chopped it and a bunch of extra stems in a coffe grinder until it was fine. I baked this weed on a pie tin for 20 min. at 200 degF.

I took 1/2 oz of regular 80 proof vodka and 1 oz. of Seagram's apple flavored vodka and poured it into a two-cup pyrex measuring cup. I heated a pot of water to boiling and placed the vodka mixture into the pot. I added the weed and heated the entire mixture until it hit between 145 - 150 degF. I kept the tincture at this temp for almost 45 min., mixing regularly with a metal barbeque skewer, rather than the 20 min. in the recipe since I couldn't get the temp. any closer to the 160 -165 degF I wanted it at.

After taking the tincture off the stove, I strained the plant material out through a coffee filter and squeezed out the last of the juice hiding in the leaves. I'd give you a pic of the finished product, but there is nothing to see since it's in a light-proof glass eyedropper.

I took a dropperful a half hour ago and my head is startin to buzz a little bit. I will drop by in a little while to let you know how it feels later.

Peace homies. :mrgreen:

Here's a pic of the boil:



Active Member
um yea, like im pretty baked. I got impatient and took a bong hit but that should have worn off by now so im guessing that the tincture is working pretty good now. feels like a kind of whole body thing where everything is kinda numb. feels great! later.


Well-Known Member
kick ass!!! I went to rite aid yesterday and asked for glyserin. they said they only have it in suppository form :(


Well-Known Member
well i tried my stuff last night, felt a little stoney but nothin major, it is only 3 weeks into it though, i used cheesecloth and this little garlic masher thing, looks like a mini potato ricer, but ya tried 3-4 drops but not much, lets hope it gets better with time


Well-Known Member
i got a great recipe for mm chapstick/balm using a salve, beeswax and a few other things.

anyone got a recipe for some super super potent lolipops using the cannabis tincture?


Well-Known Member
How is it going. I was just wondering how the mix is going for the ones that are making it. Sould be close to being done isnt it. I want to try this when i get my plants done.


Active Member
one thing u could try is making a large large field outside . Get a bees nest and make sure it is in the middle of the field, after that, get rid of any other plants around the pot plants. From what i expect, the bees will use the pollen from the pot plants and make a quite potent thc honey. I have never really done this, but only heared of it. If u do attempt it, let me know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I would not think that would work. Is there any thc in the polen. I did not think there was. But i may be wrong.