How to make the ladies fat, not tall?

My last cycle was two cheese plants grown in a room measuring 14x14' with a 10 foot ceiling. I used one 1000w hps light and no chemicals until budding. They yielded about 3oz per plant. The problem is that they grew way to fast and tall. I wish I had had about 5-7 more feet of ceiling. Are there any tips to make them grow fat not tall. My next cycle will be about 25 clones with two 600w hps lights. Im thinking the lower wattage will help. I just need more tips. Thanks


New Member
Just put a ring on her finger.

Having the light source close to the plant will keep it from reaching. If you have the room I would also LST them. Instead of going for vertical growth try for lateral growth. This way your plants get more overall light. Tie the branches down from the top so that the lower growth also gets light. You will end up with more main colas if you do this and the veg time is right. More hours of light per 24 hour cycle will also keep stretching down. Good Luck man. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Keep your lights as close to your plants as you can. Also, veg a shorter period of time.

Sativa heavy strains will grow tall on you almost no matter what you do. Indicas are known for short fat plants.

You could also try trining them with "LST" or some other method.

Sorry, about that 'Growingforthegold', I was typing the samething at the same time.


Well-Known Member
dont do a 24 hour light cycle ur babies need a rest. but u could try sum indica strains, lower the lights closer, LST, suppercrop, there r a few different things u could do.


Well-Known Member
I use wide 4 gallon pots and top all my plants very early (1-2 weeks after clones root). This allows me to transplant into larger pot with soil right up to the two main branches. Then I veg for a while.. and tie the 2 main branches down to the pot so they grow laterally.. by this time the two other branches perpendicular are growing tall so I pull those down. Then everything in the middle starts to stretch and its great =]


Well-Known Member
im having the same problem. here is some pics

had problems with high temp for a week or so think that has made them stretch cause my light is close enough.

