How to Make Tincture Oil


New Member
I am about to explain how to make a safe non toxic tincture oil. I do not condone the use of illegal drugs. If you are not qualified or permitted to use cannabis this post is not for you. First you will need two nonporous glass bowls,one pair of bleached and washed white nylons, a solvent(I do not use petroleum based solvents because of toxicity issues)one spoon,a fan,extra virgin olive oil and a glass bottle. We will be using a stove top cooking method for the final product.First thing is to place dry bud, leaves or clippings in a small nonporous bowl then add the solvent.The solvent I use is 91% isopropyl alcohol.Its important to have as pure of an alcohol as possible 50 or 70% will not work because you will end up with 50 or 30% water in the end.n


New Member
Allow the leaves to soak for about 10 to 15 minutes stirring and crushing the leaves helps break down the oils. Then wring out the liquid with your hand and discard the leaves. Repeat this process with a fresh batch of dry buds or leaves to make a concentrated solution.​
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New Member
Next step is to place the bowl in the nylon stocking and strain of the solution into a bigger nonporous glass bowl then stretch the next stocking over the large bowl and place in front of a fan the stocking will keep debris from contaminating the solution. By rotating and moving the bowl around you can spread the solution over a larger surface area to aid in the evaporation process.​
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New Member
After the evaporation you will end up with 9% water this is toxic water so do not include it in your tincture dump it out all cannabis oils will stick to the sides of the bowl. The remaining water can be removed by wicking out with a paper towel. Then simply take your finger or a spoon and collect the oils.​
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New Member
Next I will use a small 3.5 oz bottle and 6 grams of chilled cannabis oil then fill the bottle with extra virgin olive oil be sure to leave space for expansion. Bring a pan of water to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Then place the bottle of oil in the simmering pan.​
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New Member
What we are looking for now is a lava lamp action the oils will begin to rise to the top this could take 15 minutes or so do not increase the heat. When this happens pull the bottle out of the pan dry it off and shake it vigorously for about five minutes. Place it back in the pan of simmering for small bubbles rising to the surface.​
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New Member
After you see the small bubbles and a darker color its done DO NOT OVER COOK.This tincture can be strained through the nylon once more to eliminate any oils that do not infuse although potency may decrease a bit. This is very strong stuff and I do not recommend taking more than one teaspoon at a time. 3.5 oz = 21 teaspoons or 21 doses. Dont be the first guy to die from thc.


New Member
glycerin can be used for an external use tincture I use olive oil because your body can absorb it well and it can be used for cooking. Enjoy!​


i got cha on that one. now ive made the hash b4 by doing a similar process where i let the oils separate then wisk the water off the top and collect the oils. so should i just let nature do its thing and let it dry on its own?


Well-Known Member
Making some right now... Once the alcohol is gone, I just use the corner of a twisted paper towel or newspaper to soak up the little bit of water that is left.


Well-Known Member
dude, don't use iso, use can get a pint for like 10-15 bucks, and it's not "toxic" like iso....soak ground bud (i use a coffee grinder) in a glass jar in your freezer for a few days, and don't throw away the leftover ground bud, use it as a rub. Another thing I found useful is making 'blotter' tabs, by dipping .5" squares of computer paper into the tincture, then allow them to dry...just stick em in your mouth to use, and very effective
A much easier way to make tincture (and without using iso alcohol for an edible....) is to take food grade vegetable glycerin and put it in a crock pot on 'keep warm' setting (about 150 - 175 degree F) and keep it on for 12 to 36 hours, stirring at least once every 3 to 5 hours. Just strain with a cheese clothe after it cools and you're good to go. All natural and tastes wonderful this way. Actually kind of shocked to see someone using iso alcohol for an edible... that just doesn't sound right...


Well-Known Member
The recipe in this thread, I use as a rub on externaly only... Works great for that, I agree this shouldn't used as an edible there are definatly better ways for that...

joliet jake

Active Member
I have made this the same way as the author but used ever-clear instead as someone else has suggested and it works great. Add olive oil as described to use it as a tincture or don't and leave it as an concentrate oil to smoke it.

good stuff