Cocobudder and how I make it.


Well-Known Member
Started making some CocoBudder on the shelf where I set up my stuff to make colloidal silver but I'm all stocked up with that so got it out of the way for this.

I bought this little crock pot at the thrift store for $5 a few years ago and finally decided to try it out a couple years back. With water in it it only got up to 88C/190F but with coconut oil it can get up to 110C/230F so that was a nice surprise. Need higher heat than that to decarb the pot so I used my Variac to increase the voltage going to the crock pot and can easily get up to 140C284F by turning up the dial to about 120%. It goes up to 140% of line voltage but I don't need that much heat for this.

The thermometer goes up to 150C/302F and beyond so I'm good there. I get up every commercial break to stir it good and monitor the temperature.

Celsius to Fahrenheit table


This is the line-up of all I use for this. That 250ml mason jar is full of the first batch that had the lecithin in it when I raised the heat up to close to 300F. With the 2nd batch I raised the temp up to 140C/284F to do the decarb first then lowered the temp to 100C before adding the lecithin then leaving at that heat for about 3 more hours. Then I turned down the dial to about 70% power and left it overnight.

Bubbles start coming up as the decarb starts around 235F. After about 30 min you have to stir it to get any bubbles so when I couldn't get any more bubbles I lowered the temp to 100C. Same temp you would get over a double boiler.


This is what the two batches look like when they are kept cool and go solid. Kind of like butter and you could use it like butter for your morning toast and tea.


Batch one on the right was made using sugary trim/popcorn that had been sifted to collect the kief off a year ago so it won't be as strong as the 2nd batch that was made using the same trim that had not been sifted so was full potency and is definitely stronger, I made them 20:1 with 10g pot to 180g oil plus 20g lecithin to make it 200g of oil for the extraction. The second batch I used 15g trim and 300g oil/lecithin to keep the proportions the same but I had 15g of the virgin trim left so used it up.

I'm going to put together 20g of left over odds and ends of bud from various strains and do a 200g batch to get a 10:1 batch and see how messed up I get with that.

When warmed up and liquid they look like this.


I'm really liking this stuff. My joint pain is way down and a small dose of 2ml of the 2nd batch gives me a nice rosy feeling that lasts for 5 hours at least and really lifts my mood as well. Not to mention that coconut oil is healthier for you and does not go rancid like butter does. No cows were harmed in the making of this product! lol

No water was used while cooking tho I am thinking of reheating the 1st batch in my double boiler with water added and whisking the hell out of it to see if the water extracts any crap. Not sure if it's worth the effort tho as this stuff tastes great as it is. I put a 2ml dose under my tongue to melt and swirl it around my mouth a bit to let it absorb. Nice nutty, roasted kind of flavour from both.

I may have to invest in a heated magnetic stirrer if I get into doing this more often. Then I can just use a glass bowl to cook it up in and do much bigger batches with less work and less work is always a good thing.

PS: This could also be done on a hot plate or stove in a large Pyrex measuring cup. Just bend up a clothes hanger to keep the bottom off the actual element and use a candy thermometer suspended off the bottom to keep an eye on temps.

An oil bath to sit a pot of the coconut oil/pot in would work as well. Cheap canola oil would work fine to transfer the heat and could be reused for a long time. Remember to keep the pot with the cocobudder in it from direct contact with the bottom of the pot containing the heat-bath oil. The coat hanger trick would work but so would lots of other things like mason jar sealing rings.

Did a bigger, 1L batch using a full sized crock pot and the wife's mixer to give it a steady stir. I now do the heating to get the decarb right away then lower the temp to just a few degrees below 100C/212F then add the lecithin and let it simmer for 10 or more hours before straining into jars. Can always make it stronger by changing the ratio of pot to oil like 20g of pot to 200ml combined oils for a 10:1 mix. I prefer the 20:1 and can always take more if needed tho those with high tolerance to edibles may like the 10:1 better.

You can see all the decarb bubbles along the edge of the mix.


Should also refrigerate or even freeze then thaw twice to supposedly make the lecithin bind with the cannabinoids for better absorption. And take your dose 45min to an hour after eating some fat-containing food so the liver is busy working on those fats and the cannabinoids can circulate in the bloodstream and work better before the liver changes them. Other oils like olive oil can be used too.

yo homie your set up is old school af have fun with that tea and toast are you using soy or wheat lecithin that amps up the potency for sure one hunnen uh huh
Liquid sunflower lecithin is the preferred one tho way more expensive than soy but soy makes men grow boobs so I stay away from any soy.
