How To Persuade My Mom To Let Me Grow?

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This was the only thing I needed to see in this thread to know that the poster is a young kid.... He knows his Mum could spend time in jail, yet he still wants to grow and smoke in her house.... brilliant....

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit because there is no drug enforcement agency, and the police force out here are a joke. I care about my mum a lot... She's one of the most special people i know <3 But growing is safer than going to buy weed from some fucking dodgy albanian in an alleyway.
If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit

I think that says it all.

LOL, just playing..............
I think that says it all.

LOL, just playing..............

I don't give a shit as in, i don't give a shit about the consequences because there is such a minimal chance of them happening. Would you please leave this thread? I've gotten a few helpful replies, and you aren't helping. At all.

Please just leave now... What's the point in staying here? just picking out everyones mistakes, telling them why they are douches?
If your under 18 jus let it go its no convinceing jus wait a few years get ya own place or go hiking if your catch my drift
He said moving out isn't an option but I have yet to hear why. I would have been crazy to even adk my parents if I could grow in their house. Your better off to just wait dude. Even if risk is minimal its still possible. Why even consider something that even MIGHT create problems for your parents? I just don't think its a good idea. I'm sure you can find some woods somewhere.
If you read a bit more, you would see that i said i dont give a shit because there is no drug enforcement agency, and the police force out here are a joke. I care about my mum a lot... She's one of the most special people i know <3 But growing is safer than going to buy weed from some fucking dodgy albanian in an alleyway.

Little buddy you have stirred up a bees nest. Unwittingly, but one none the less.
I would start this thread over again. This time leave your mom out of the picture all together.
And just say you think your dad is cool with your plan. And then guys will be coming out of the woodwork to give you help.
It is a 5 or 6 month commitment dont forget. Are you ready to handle that?
Well good luck.
A few pages back I recall us overtly discussing your moderatorship, and it appeared as though you were taking steps in the right direction. I'm looking at this post (quoted below) as objectively as possible, and I can pretty confidently say that barring a twist of words that goes against the spirit of the TOU, this post was not worthy of your acknowledgment. When I tried to emphasize how we as members are looking for consistency from you as the only mod that moderates TnT, I did not have consistently nit-picking in mind.


i answer to rollitup.

you all had your chance.

gonna make it about me now? as YOU nitpick me.
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