*How to prevent mold*[hydro/dirt]


Well-Known Member
One thing that gets by a lot of intermediate/amateur growers is mold. you should keep the fan blowing on the plants at all times, the reason being is that it lowers humidity thus helping to prevent mold from taking place. So, keep fan on at as high level as possible and have adequate ventilation. This is especially important on a hydro setup, because a lot more water is being pumped through the plant through the roots making the plants have higher water content, making it more susceptible to mold due to high humidity.. So, -keep fan blowing at all times- adequate ventilation


Well-Known Member
One mistake I made on my first grow{which was the only mistake I made:blsmoke:} was to have the fan blowing sporadically thinking that the fans main purpose was to strengthen the stems once, they get strong enough fans not necessary...needless to say one of my main colas long asyour arm was lost to some mold.. Im currently on my 4th grow and check it out in the hydro section{or type Nlxhaze on Bing}. Thanx :peace:


Well-Known Member
I concur although I disagree with some of your statements.. In general I agree with this


Well-Known Member
my opinion about mold, mold is a evil mother fucker, its like ordering from attitude and not getting your items, will fuck you in the ass every time, crank that dehumidifier down to 30to 35 % humid and run those fans in late flower you can get fucked much easier from mold, also watch how much you water them late flower they don't use half as much as veg or early flowering, also make your temp 65 to 75 late flower, will fight from getting molds, also cross your fingers and toes , take every step. I got mold once my first grow , rookie mistake, I had 70 plants in flower, and basically threw 10 ounces away, molded from the inside out, also keep an eye on those nats bugs , if you see them on the buds then you have a serious problem ,