How to prevent tea from going anaerobic?


Active Member
First I used squid so it has a slight gross flavor.
Im not sure but its been 48 hours brewing in cool weather and I detect a slight
ammonia smell, although it could be fish.

Can I put some carbs back in and more great white and get them to reproduce?
I was going to use today but now it looks like I cant tea up until toorrow.

Its not rotten eggs but a fishy stink being I used fish.

Ammonia is the smell that its dead?

Id like to keep it going one more day! Im to busy to screw with it today.

Also I used worm so there is nothing actually that does not stink in there.


Active Member
I only brew for 18-24 hours for a great diverse brew....never rocked any fish hydro in my brews for the smell purposes, since I brew in my small veg room. I've been using alfalfa meal and rock dusts to feed and ecourage fugal hyphae growth with great success!!

no need to add products like great white to your teas, as your brew with be filled with multiple species already...adding more will cause it to go anaerobic and Microbes will be eating each other like the great white for soil drenches and transplants!