How to Properly Aerate a Small (or large) Rez

I have a flood n drain table w a 40 gallon rez. My pump is a 650 gph and it floods the table w 2inches of water in less than 1 minute. Talk about airation ! A 700 gph for that setup will be more than enough.
I have a flood n drain table w a 40 gallon rez. My pump is a 650 gph and it floods the table w 2inches of water in less than 1 minute. Talk about airation ! A 700 gph for that setup will be more than enough.
Nah… it would only work out to a trickle I’m sure. I’ll post a video in a few of the volume coming out into my tanks ( I can post videos here right?)
reduce your pipe diameter a few times if needed. 700gph is more than enough
That occurred to me though it’s a danner magdrive pump and I’m not sure that it would have the capability to build pressure as such. It just doesn’t have any ass to it. In hind sight I would never go with one of these again ( for more reasons than that ). Amd in doing this I would certainly be looking for a many solid streams. Was thinking of using a large drip ring. I rigged up something when I was trying out coco with a pump and a ring. Had some solid pressure coming out that would def “flume”
Yeah I have a 700 gph pump for a four site system. Don’t see myself getting enough pressure doing something like that without upgrading the pump. I do like the idea though
If you go from 1" on the closest sites then step down to 3/4" on the farther sites or 3/4" down to 1/2" it might give it enough. I'm not a plumber nor do I know shit about fluid dynamics lol. My pump is (for now) a submersible mag drive aquarium pump and I know I could get it to run multiple sites, I would just have to do some trial and error till I got it to work. If you got the cash to buy whatever then I'd get an inline pump