how to prune?? what to cut???


Active Member
what should i cut?????? i have two plants just put them into flowering n wondering if pruning is a big deal or not. if so what do i cut that will really make a difference. i also have have 4 in a hydro set just sprouted a week ago. how should i start to cut this to maximize my bud?? pictures would be helpful.

please only experts reply!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
...theres no "rule" for what to cut.

Pruning is different. Normally you only prune plants if they are over crowded or are showing dead leaves. You really dont want to remove any healthy leaves.

I think your getting pruning confused with styles of growing. Like FIMing, Topping, etc.

Read it. Learn it... Any basic questions can be answered with a little bit of research.



Active Member
so no dead leaves no touch???? i know how to top em wtf is the fiming????????????n how do i do this....i look at peoples plants n they have so many braches coming form the bottom when mine dont their just the one stalk? how do i acheive this


Well-Known Member
so no dead leaves no touch???? i know how to top em wtf is the fiming????????????n how do i do this....i look at peoples plants n they have so many braches coming form the bottom when mine dont their just the one stalk? how do i acheive this
FIMing is "Fuck I Missed" Its like topping except instead of 2 tops, you get 4.



Well-Known Member
bending the plants will alse give you multiple tops

Yeah but this is LST, you dont chop off the main growth tip for LST, you just bend it over and a lower shoot fattens up and can become the new top.

Check out my grow if your interested in LST, I bend the shit outa my plants.
