How To Put Aeroponic Clones In Dirt

Only reason I could think off is not using some kind off humidity dome,I've found they are the difference between success n failure
I know this is an old thread, but maybe someone see it.

I've just transplanted a cutting with a good amount of roots, this is my first time using the ez cloner. I let the roots get nice and long, like 4 inches, then gently put her into very well watered coco with 1/4 strength nutes and a low wattage cfl bulb about 1 inch from the plant, its been 3 days now and its still looking wilted, not dead but definitely not happy, not thriving as I though she would. I didn't use a humidity dome or spray the leaves as I didn't think id have to because the cutting had alot of roots to get water, but she's not looking too happy. Any advice?
cfl bulb 1” away to newly transplanted clone is way too close. Raise bulb at least a foot for a few days.