How to Quick Dry for potency


Active Member
Hello, I found a method of quick drying that really works for quick smoke. i just trimmed my plant and i only took a 2g wet weight nug to quick dry, i took a metal container, put a paper towel lining the bottom and side, then i took a hair dryer, on warm heat on low power and i have it fixed pointed at the tray with the nug, every 5 minutes i take the nug out and weigh it, it started at 2 grams, so i let it dry until it goes down to 1 gram. then you know 50 percent of the moister came out, then smoke!


Active Member
Taste isnt bad! just tastes alittle plantie not harsh tho. I think the only real way this works is if you have a scale to messure the water weight. You want to take 50-75% of the weight out.