How to raise my soils ph? Dolomite lime didn't work.


Well-Known Member
I only use ocean forest and fox farm line of nutes and have never had a ph problem. First, runoff is not an accurate test of the soil's ph. Get a good soil probe. Second, if you truly have a ph problem, it is most likely overfeeding or not ph'ing nutes before you feed.
Maybee I got a bad batch then because I only feed them one teaspoon per gallon of water and I never have problems untill they hit flowering it like it takes a while to affect them but no matter how light I feed it still happens so I know it's the soil and I always ph my nutes before they go into the soil I even checked the ppm of it to go that route and make sure the feed wasn't to high I've tried everything except a ph probe. I even let soil and water sit in a cup for a couple of hours then checked the water in the cup same thing 4-5 ph
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a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
No. If your soil is truly acidic the only cure is to repot. dolomite will work but it takes too long If you already have a lockout.
When i transplant a mother plant into ocean forest, Knowing that the ph is going to be high my water goes in at 5.5 or so. To balance it out on transplant. So your saying the opposite way won't work?


Well-Known Member
Why do it with a flush?
I tried it with a flush on the grow I have going now because I though it was a lockout due to to much nutrients and buildup so I flushed and checked the ph at the end and it did not change at all. And throughout the whole grow my water was 6.5 ph so if it worked like that I wouldn't have had the issue to begin with


Well-Known Member
Buy some red wiggler worms and and make a compost bin with your old fox farm soil. Slowly buy amendments like kelp alfalfa,your yards grass clippings twigs etc and plaNt itstraight into it. you need plenty aeration use cowboy charcoal from Lowe's Walmart etc as well as red lava rock etc.


Well-Known Member
Buy some red wiggler worms and and make a compost bin with your old fox farm soil. Slowly buy amendments like kelp alfalfa,your yards grass clippings twigs etc and plaNt itstraight into it. you need plenty aeration use cowboy charcoal from Lowe's Walmart etc as well as red lava rock etc.
I'll have to order some of the amendments from Amazon and I don't know where to get red wiggler worms but I'll defiinatley start looking into it and get it started. Thanks for all of your help on this


Well-Known Member
That's the problem to all the perlite around here is miracle grow perlite so it has nutrients in it also and the perlite doesn't help any the one I got going now is 25 percent perlite and it doesn't help with ph. I'm using the vermiculite more to buffer the ph then to aerate the soil. And right now my ph doesn't let any nutrients in so the vermiculite has to be better than nothing I would think
Yeah, i grabbed a bag of MG perlite the other day and put it back on the shelf when I saw they mucked it up with MG nutes. Ended out buying about a 3 yr supply (4 me) for just a little more $ from a farm store/nursery.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i grabbed a bag of MG perlite the other day and put it back on the shelf when I saw they mucked it up with MG nutes. Ended out buying about a 3 yr supply (4 me) for just a little more $ from a farm store/nursery.
Yeah they throw nutes in everything even their seed starting mix and organic soil have extended release fertilizer and the nursery near me likes to charge outrageous prices for everything they have so I stay away from them lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah they throw nutes in everything even their seed starting mix and organic soil have extended release fertilizer and the nursery near me likes to charge outrageous prices for everything they have so I stay away from them lol
I agree, but some stuff is not bad especially in qty.