How To Reduce Radio Frequency Interference


Well-Known Member
I don't mind sacrificing some efficiency and yield if it'll keep time warner away from my house. Gonna finish this grow up ( 50 more days) and go strictly magnetic or back to LEDs. What is DE?

Saint Skinny

Active Member
Wow, you have a serious problem. I am skeptical about both the "gimmicks" and the painful implementation of same that likely won't do shit. Go magnetic or a DE unit that has the ballast connected directly to the reflector. DE rocks, but you must have the ceiling clearance/climate control to do it. Otherwise, SE magnetic will get the job done just fine. You only sacrifice some efficiency. And a bit of yield.
I hope the problem your referring to is the RFI... I dont think a Faraday Cage is quite a gimmick if thats what you mean, but I think your referring to the paint and Nanolux filter. I know the only reason people that wear those chainmail suits can survive getting a bolt from a zillion watt Tesla Coil is bc the suits act like a Faraday Cage.

If ya didn't know, now ya know! I cant say there isn't SOME magic involved though... .

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
WHAT??? You can hear that TOO?

Turn off the right wing radio station...

Wear a tinfoil hat! Works better if shaped like a Hershey's kiss or a flower pot like DEVO.

Avoid men in their clean white suits! ( I got told that by Napoleon XIV ) Ha haa, Ho hoo, He hee!

It's either space aliens or CIA mind control......I'll figure out which after I eat these next 2 "buttons" - "BAAARRRFFFFF",,, Carlos, is that you? Wow dude,,you brought your panther too.....:eyesmoke:
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Active Member
RFI can be transmitted two different ways: 1. obviously ,as radio waves(it is called Radio Frequency Interference) 2. it can also back feed into the power line.
To stop radio waves use the Faraday Cage.
To stop back feeding use an "isolation transformer"( look it up, prove all things!)

Something I learned in radio school in the USAF.


Well-Known Member
Cable man came banging on my door last week. He said my house is showing signs of RFI. I said I'm on my way out but he wanted to come in and check all of the cable wires to make sure they aren't loose. I told him to come back tomorrow because I'm leaving for a doctor's appointment. I knew what the issue was. I recently purchased a digital 1K ballast!! My ballast is in the basement and the cable equipment is upstairs and it still caused interference. I pull the old magnetic dinosaur ballast back out and when the cable man came the next day, he said it's strange because I'm showing very little RFI. He's not sure why he was sent in the first place. It's funny because my main cable hook up was outside right next to the room with the ballast. If he was quite enough.....he could of heard the dinosaur humming lol. Anyway, until I know which manufacturer that produce a ballast that is 100% RF safe, I'll stick with the magnetic ballast for safety reasons. Attached is my ballast that almost got me in trouble lol. Just wanted to share my experience. Be safe everyone.



Well-Known Member
Ok. So my ballast has been putting off quite a bit of rfi. Does anyone know of any cost effective ways to eliminate this noise? BTW there's a product (and maybe a couple of others) that's sold by 1000 bulbs and growers house called nanolux rf filter set. ( can't seem to post a link). Is anyone familiar with this product? Is it effective? or any other product that will help? Thanks...

to this older post on the same thing

good luck