how to roll a blunt


so i normally smoke bowls but i want to start roling blunts and i can never get it tight enough any tricks or does it come with practice?


Well-Known Member
pretty much comes with practice. I usually start at one end and roll my way to the other end.


Well-Known Member
Practice makes perfect. Alot of a good blunt is in the splitting of the shell. I roll it all at once with all 8 fingertips touching each other, if that makes any sense. I learned with a couple boxes of Optimos and an oz of schwag. Had a headache when I was done, but I could roll blunts.


Well-Known Member
Yup blunts are much easier to roll than joints....we are talking about a cigar like a swisha grape not a blunt wrap right ????.....them are nasty to me (blunt wraps)


Well-Known Member
Comes with practice. I've pearled every blunt since my very first one, although I can't roll joints for shit so I feel ya, It comes with practice and you'll get it but just take it slow for a little bit. Watch one of your buds do it or something.


Well-Known Member
Comes with practice. I've pearled every blunt since my very first one, although I can't roll joints for shit so I feel ya, It comes with practice and you'll get it but just take it slow for a little bit. Watch one of your buds do it or something.

that's what I did. Every time someone rolled I'd be leaning over their shoulder watching.


so i went and got 2 purple haze. rolled one but it is loose. smoke Able but loose. so now i haven't smoked in 3 months see ya


Active Member
The best way to get them tight is to use a straw to pack more bud in there after you have it rolled if you can't roll them tight.


ok so push the bottom part in and down with your thumbs

then use your tongue to both get it sticky, as well as push that bottom part in while you use your top lip to fold the top over

move a little to the right, do it again, little more to the right, do it again

and you got a blunt