How to salvage moldy bud and get a great tasting smoke

As PotPimp stated, being underwater kills the mold.

Adding fresh water every day washes away the mold and other yuckies

If you never added fresh water, it would kill the mold, and then proceed to rot/decay in another way.

changing the water every day, and keeping it completely submerged, keeps the weed fresh and only harms the mold.

It works beautifully. Years ago i screwed up and let about 6 oz of bud get very moldy. It got stashed away in a jar when it was not quite dry. At that time overgrow dotcom was where I went for pot info and they did not let me down. I learned what I needed to do.
I water cured it and could not have been happier with the results.
Since then I have used it a few other times, mostly to smooth out nasty tasting weed. And its really amazing how at the end of the process when day after day the water remains crystal clear, you KNOW its clean!
Another overgrow fan, thumbs up bro!
Ty. Would have putting the plants in the sun a few days fixed that? Either way im going to make some oil.
Nope, zucchini gets it all the time if you spray their leaves instead of just watering the soil. Your grow space got too moist (rh above 65%??) and air too stagnant, so mold spores from some source in your furnace room (or your ex wife's snatch) found a new happy place to settle into.. Next time control your humidity to be around 50% or less during flower, keep your space clean, and get an oscillating fan on your plants.
Thanks dude. They were kinda forgotten. And I was trying to keep them alive with a 75w light i use for houseplants. While the clones i took from them had the 600w. I was going to pitch them but i was able to revive. I think they were too close together. And the fan i had on them didn't do much. It wasnt oscillating.

That pic was the worst. The other plants were not bad. And even tho i cut away the bad parts. I am going to make oil for the first time. I did smoke 1 j of the best bud.

This upcoming winter i will have everything setup better so it shouldn't happen. Im thinking to just grow 2 in my setup

Thanks for the info.
Nope, zucchini gets it all the time if you spray their leaves instead of just watering the soil. Your grow space got too moist (rh above 65%??) and air too stagnant, so mold spores from some source in your furnace room (or your ex wife's snatch) found a new happy place to settle into.. Next time control your humidity to be around 50% or less during flower, keep your space clean, and get an oscillating fan on your plants.
What should i spray with some blue dawn in water or peroxide water?
You can save moldy bud and make it perfectly safe to smoke/consume/vaporize.

It doesnt matter if the bud is fresh or dried, water curing washes away every trace of mold.

Ive done this a number of times and it works perfectly. Next time I do it, I will take pictures.

Place the moldy bud in a jar and fill with regular tap water until the bud is submerged. You will have to rig some kind of method to keep the bud completely submerged because some of it will want to rise above the surface. SImply putting a lid on it will not work. I usually use a weighted plate to hold it down.

Keep in a cool dark place for 24 hours then take it out and you will see dirty murky water. Pour it all off, then refill with fresh water and stash again for another 24 hours.
I was told to do this every day for 2 weeks, but in my experience the bud is completely clean in less time.

Every day, when you change the water, notice how dirty it is, when you have had several days of pouring off crystal clear water, you are done. Every trace of mold will be gone.

Drain the bud and dry as usual.

The upside is you will have the smoothest, cleanest smoke you have ever had, with all the original potency intact. In fact, some people say it increases that potency, because it takes out plant material but leaves the THC, thus making the thc more concentrated.

The downside is your lovely bud will now look like schwag, but who cares if your using it yourself, you know its not crap!

Water curing will improve any bud, even perfectly good bud, as it takes out a lot of the bad tasting plant material.
I am definitely going to do this. I need to trim it first right? Ugggg..


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I've tried water curing a few times, it leaves the bud a little bland but smooth.

For small amounts of bud a French Press coffee maker is great to hold the bud underwater.

Such hateful pricks on this forum, why do you need to all gang up and bully him, wtf?
I was thinking the exact same thing...

To note: you can kill the spores with the water cutting method, or by putting in freezer for a few hours, or 160 degree oven for at least 20 minutes... if you're decarbing to make edibles etc, this will be done already in your process ashtray. As for the aflatoxins... microwave for at least 45 seconds; completely destroyed and your thc and will Jermain perfectly intact... even safe to smoke at that point if you microwave and then water cure / freeze / heat. If you are using everclear wash method to extract you will already be super freezing and decarbing so... only real step to add is the microwave. Hope this helps.

kindly save your hateful replies or ignorant flippant replies.. if you wanna argue the science: SITE YOUR SOURCE for info please or you're wasting both our time! Happy to provide my source info if interested... good luck!!!
Anyone who thinks that you can successfully get rid of mold from buds is drinking the kool aide. It's garbage folks.
I'll happily take your garbage off your hands if you feel such is the case. I'll even give ya a few hundred bucks for a pound.. lmao... perhaps counterintuitive, but with a little knowledge.. very doable.
You can save moldy bud and make it perfectly safe to smoke/consume/vaporize.

It doesnt matter if the bud is fresh or dried, water curing washes away every trace of mold.

Ive done this a number of times and it works perfectly. Next time I do it, I will take pictures.

Place the moldy bud in a jar and fill with regular tap water until the bud is submerged. You will have to rig some kind of method to keep the bud completely submerged because some of it will want to rise above the surface. SImply putting a lid on it will not work. I usually use a weighted plate to hold it down.

Keep in a cool dark place for 24 hours then take it out and you will see dirty murky water. Pour it all off, then refill with fresh water and stash again for another 24 hours.
I was told to do this every day for 2 weeks, but in my experience the bud is completely clean in less time.

Every day, when you change the water, notice how dirty it is, when you have had several days of pouring off crystal clear water, you are done. Every trace of mold will be gone.

Drain the bud and dry as usual.

The upside is you will have the smoothest, cleanest smoke you have ever had, with all the original potency intact. In fact, some people say it increases that potency, because it takes out plant material but leaves the THC, thus making the thc more concentrated.

The downside is your lovely bud will now look like schwag, but who cares if your using it yourself, you know its not crap!

Water curing will improve any bud, even perfectly good bud, as it takes out a lot of the bad tasting plant material.
To note: you can kill the spores with the water cutting method, or by putting in freezer for a few hours, or 160 degree oven for at least 20 minutes... if you're decarbing to make edibles etc, this will be done already in your process ashtray. As for the aflatoxins... microwave for at least 45 seconds; completely destroyed and your thc and will Jermain perfectly intact... even safe to smoke at that point if you microwave and then water cure / freeze / heat. If you are using everclear wash method to extract you will already be super freezing and decarbing so... only real step to add is the microwave. Hope this helps.
And yet it's still not very clear to me. You say 7 years of input as if this is a highly responded to thread but there's only 3 pages of replies. Some ppl say yay and some say nay. I just want to make sure I'm not putting myself in danger. If you don't wish to actually give any input then you don't need to respond at all.
To note: you can kill the spores with the water cutting method, or by putting in freezer for a few hours, or 160 degree oven for at least 20 minutes... if you're decarbing to make edibles etc, this will be done already in your process ashtray. As for the aflatoxins... microwave for at least 45 seconds; completely destroyed and your thc and will Jermain perfectly intact... even safe to smoke at that point if you microwave and then water cure / freeze / heat. If you are using everclear wash method to extract you will already be super freezing and decarbing so... only real step to add is the microwave. Hope this helps.
only 2 cases ever recorded of death from smoking bud, the couple died of complications after contracting a serious lung disease directly atributed to smoking mouldy bud.