how to save my strain


Well-Known Member
I have this problem, all the cuttings i had died and the plants been harvested except for the smaller buds on the bottom third of the plant question is should I let these small buds remain to maybe get fatter or should I remove them leaving green leafage and try to rejuvinate and hope for cuttings if this is at all possible please let me know I have never tried this before but the strain was a good one HELP!!!!
Any info is appreciated
If they've already started budding ain't it too late? I've never taken cuttings but im sure you do it before you switch the lights to 12/12!


Well-Known Member
Leave the small buds and put her back under 24/7 light until she is in full veg again (this could tale up to 3 weeks) then take your clones.



Well-Known Member
Well you can take off whatever buds are left, but leave as many leaves as you can and like dig a knife down through the roots a little to just tear a few up, and then put the plant back under lights that are 18/6 or no more than 6 hours of darkness...


Well-Known Member
if u want to try and save it, dont cut all of the buds off. leaves some and all remaining leaves and put back to 24hrs lights on. it will take a lot of time and hoping but it should reveg.


Well-Known Member
Pooh your saying removes the buds to make them seem in the veg stage still. I'm sure that won't work.
It sure will work..if you leave the buds themselves they will reveg too, but you end up with a weird looking plant with like tufts of branches growing out from where the buds each calyx making up the bud will become a you get an alien plant that takes months to grow...or you can trim it down to just some leaves and maybe a couple of the smallest under buds can be left too...but you can then take as many clones as you want...for sure...have done it myself a couple of times...


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the quick responses and the knowledge laid on me ineveveg I'm posting pic of plant for all to get an idea of what she looks like you and drolove have me wondering if its worth it. I tried one that I left a tiny piece of green growth on made the mistake of cutting to much root mass and killed it dont want that to happen to this last one so here is pic keep commenting please



Well-Known Member
There is lots of material left to re-veg that plant, if you can get cuttings get them, if not and you do not want to lose these genetics you you know what you have to do.
