How to say no?

You sure do look like a pedophile. Do you offer the kids free candy bars at the gas station? Or do you show them your new drone? I layed off you because I felt like everyone was being too tough on you. You're really fucking up dude.
I don't give a fuck what you say, insults carry more weight when theyr true n everything g you say is wrong so...your dumb
I mean let's run through your say I'm short and im 5.10'...say in skinny I'm 155..think I still work at rebel and haven't in almost a year, think it's funny my mom gave me something for christmas well that's just stupid...say I have female glasses and theyr men's, now apparently I don't look feminine anymore I look like a "chomo"(which was first said by a pedophile) pretty large leap on that one but I guess in you tiny little world it makes sense?
Did you just draw this on the fly, or did you add text to an existing drawing?

"Fun" might be pushing it a bit, more akin to watching two mentally deficient rednecks sniffing pills and repeatedly falling down and vomiting on each other in the mall parking don't want to laugh at the utter degradation of humanity, but dammit it's just so funny....
Yeah quick doodle just for these 2 inbred yokels. :)
LMAO so your a middle school teacher bobby boy? Living good on that super large salary eh? Haha no wonder why the youth of today is so fucked people like you are teaching them! Obviously your not smart enough to teach a high school let alone college level...oh man my suspicions r spot on arnt they the fact you spend all day around kids just adds to you being a pedoass

If you wanna suck my dick so bad all you have to do is ask.
I mean let's run through your say I'm short and im 5.10'...say in skinny I'm 155..think I still work at rebel and haven't in almost a year, think it's funny my mom gave me something for christmas well that's just stupid...say I have female glasses and theyr men's, now apparently I don't look feminine anymore I look like a "chomo"(which was first said by a pedophile) pretty large leap on that one but I guess in you tiny little world it makes sense?

If you wanna suck my dick so bad all you have to do is ask.
See bubble guy.. no need to cry buddy.
I mean let's run through your say I'm short and im 5.10'...say in skinny I'm 155..think I still work at rebel and haven't in almost a year, think it's funny my mom gave me something for christmas well that's just stupid...say I have female glasses and theyr men's, now apparently I don't look feminine anymore I look like a "chomo"(which was first said by a pedophile) pretty large leap on that one but I guess in you tiny little world it makes sense?
I never said you were short (although 5 10 IS short).

I said you looked like a 90s tweeker raver. And you do. Lol.

Go cum on your bath towels some more. :)
You use everything I say then regurgitate it.

Your comebacks are equivalent to "no you are!" Lol.

So you got FIRED from the gas station ??? Wow.

Your mom looked hot in that pic though. What's her rate? Does she do house calls?
So what subject do you teach in middle school?