How to say no?

australia women are a weakness of mine, I had a big relationship with one.

they are usually very fucking good looking because I haven't met an aussie cunt that doesn't swim.

I really love Australian culture and literature which is quite weird but I do incorperate it into daily life.

I absolutely adore them to pieces

another example,

this one do not continue to watch videos if body hair scares you because she is feminist af yo

I am not elligible to enter oz as I am a felon

listen to the music and speak their language tho like a pro
this thread was spreading too much hate

enjoy another band 4

australian or not?

you tell me I have no clue what to listen to

that is ranking high on fav bands to see live last year, the are absolutely amazing. so much raw energy, good vibe lots of drinking and girls seem to like em for the most part
watch Australia for some of the best indie/pop punk of this year.

they can do no wrong, they drink too much and they are a large recreational drug using cuntry. \

that makes good music and if you disagree my balls are down their ya filthy shitcunts
australia women are a weakness of mine, I had a big relationship with one.

they are usually very fucking good looking because I haven't met an aussie cunt that doesn't swim.

I really love Australian culture and literature which is quite weird but I do incorperate it into daily life.

I absolutely adore them to pieces

another example,

this one do not continue to watch videos if body hair scares you because she is feminist af yo

I am not elligible to enter oz as I am a felon

listen to the music and speak their language tho like a pro

Foster's beer absolutely sucks though
Yea dude! If he had fetal alcohol syndrome you'd be twins m80!
coming from an autistic kid with a neck beard working in a gas station that really hurt my feels,

My mom actually loved me and I make enough to spend money on her even tho she doesn't need me to. what do you do hand write your cards with a note that says "sorry ma, I took a 11.00hr job because I don't care about material things, yet I love shooting this crappy bth"

naw little kid despite who white knights for you (abe I saw doing it) but qwizo dropped his morals especially after taking a stance on mental health, but hey he's a turncoat, bet you lot can come up with better lies than who is black, who is the pimp and who has pulled girls and his wrists are so strong he'd knock everyone on the forum out.

I am done with you as well just as I ignored both of your pussy squad
Itt: sf gets attacked by the forum autist while trying to drink his rum, all while maintaing a strong stance that Australia has the bestest women and an emerging music scene.

sf can sit here all day and post music, I stilll have more on my wrist then bublo will come feb 1st