How to score free drinks and freak out stoner friends.


Well-Known Member
I thought about this when I started the thread about coughing up smoke. I figure I'd share. I've used this little trick to get free drinks (probably 50+ times), freak out my friends after a fat blunt, and as an ice breaker with chicks. All you need is a pack of matches.

Basically you're telling someone that you can put out a match with your fingers and have the smoke from the flame come out of your mouth. (If you want the free drinks, make a bet with someone that you can do it, if you can they owe you a drink...)

All you have to do is inhale the vapor from the match being struck through your nose. The key is to do this without anyone knowing. It's kind of pungent so if you make a weird face, it's kind of a tell. Anyway, after inhalation just exhale through your mouth. The vapor the match gives off turns into a smoke in the lungs.

*disclaimer... don't know if it's safe for your lungs*

Hopefully someone can find happiness from it in 2011. Happy new year!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
All you have to do is inhale the vapor from the match being struck through your nose.

YEAH NO. Pretty sure you don't want to breathe that in dude. Like the byproduct of matches igniting?


Well-Known Member
Uuummm no dude don't inhale that shit.....Its suplhur and phosphorous....That is why when you see people lighting up cigars or a pipe once the match is struck they wait until it is the wood or cardboard burning before putting flame to the tobacco or whatever they are lighting.


Well-Known Member
It's sulfur dioxide. I tried looking it up to see if it were dangerous but could only find anything in high doses. Figured it couldn't be too dangerous since it's used in dried fruits... Thanks for the heads up.


Active Member
dude that shit up your nose are you fuckin serious? u have to have a really fucked up nose, to not make a face inhaling that shit.