how to setup cpu fans and cfls to grow box?


Active Member
I am going to use my xbox 360 box for now until i get a pc case but i want to know how to connect the cpu fans to run and how to get cfl bulbs to work on my power strip. If you can point me toward a tutorial (not pictures instructions) on how to set cfls up and cpu fas that would be great thanks.


Active Member
for a computer fan you only need red and black dont need yellow
cut them with pliers so the wire is showing.
then get a 12v adopter phone charger and modem adopters work...cut them to so copper wires are showing.
then connect red to copper wire black to other copper wire(dont worry if you are wrong cause they just dont work)
then cover them up with insulation or electric tape its really cheap to buy.

its really easy to do if i can do it any1 can


CFLs on a power strip = "Light bulb to outlet adapter"

These can be found at Walmart and most all hardware stores. They can handle 600-640 watts something like that. so you can add a ton of Y splitters to it.

Easiest way to get PC fans to work without trial and error of wiring one yourself and fire hazards.

I have 2 of these and LOVE them.

you will also need one of these to add more fans
Laptop or mobile phone power supplies for the 12v computer fans, providing the power supply also is 12v. Check the amps on the fan vs the amps on the power supply, if it's a mobile phone power supply the output is likely to be low, and may power only one PC case fan, although CPU fans hardly draw any current. Some of the older power supplies burn up a lot of energy themselves, if it gets hot using it, that's money down the drain. One large laptop power supply that operates all your fans might be more energy efficient overall, and less cable management issues.

All IMO and IME. :)
Could someone tell me if a mobile phone charger adapted into a cpu fan's power supply would work in Asia with 220v wiring?

And I don't mean to hijack the thread..I just thought it fit together quite well, and I assumed someone would know the answer since it's nearly the same topic :)