how to speed it up


I need to know how quickly u can go from seedling to harvest, if there is any way to speed up the process. it is ok if i do not get much bud, this season i am just doing a trial run, and am only planting one or two plants.

Fallen Buckshot

grow inside and start on 12hrs light 12hrs dark as soon as they get a few sets of leaves


thank you so much. just wanted to let yall know i really LOVE this site. most other sites people just make fun of us newbies for not knowing anything, but everybody on here is real nice and helpfull. thanks again, any advice is greatly appreciated! One Love


Well-Known Member
Going 12-12 from seed mightnt speed things up that much the plant still need time to mature, if you want to grow weed quick the best thing you could is look into the autoflower strains at least that way you can let your buds grow to full maturity!


Well-Known Member
Going 12-12 from seed really wont make that much of a difference except to your yield maybe a plant wont show sex till its mature enough so its as good to just let it have veg period!


Well-Known Member
plants will show sex at about 3wks old when on 12/12 from seed
these two in the pic are flowering now and theyre 4wks old, should be about 12wks old at harvest time. only way to do it quicker is to use autos.


journey smok3r

New Member
to speed things up and to still get a good crop i would recommend waiting till your plants get 8 inches and then switch to 12/12.
happy growing