How to starburst edibles..

Dave's Not Here

Well-Known Member
First try, halved the recipe, just poured it off... that's a lot of cherry taffy.... 2/3 or so of a cookie sheet, non medicated trial run.


Dave's Not Here

Well-Known Member
The flavor is almost exactly like a cherry starburst...

So my thoughts on this.....

1. It's a pain to work with, stretching and pulling taffy is work... I left some unstretched just to check out how it hardens up etc. I don't think pulling and stretching the taffy is going to work very well if you add hash oil at the kool-aid step like I'm thinking... a lot of the oil is going to end up on your gloves I'd think.
2. Hardness - I heated mine up to 250F and didn't leave it there very long, I'm thinking just a little cooler to say around 243F (according to my candy thermometer) for a softer piece of taffy. It's not totally hard and it does soften up if you'd say put a piece in your pocket, but it's a little harder than a starburst.

3. I might try some in molds to get a uniform size which looks like it would be next to impossible without a mold.