How to stop animals from eating my plants.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have some plants growing in a field where I suspect rabbits, birds or even deer are eating them. I have random broken branches on several plants i try to piss neer them everytime i go see them to maybe scare off the animals but other than that I could use some help to get rid of these fuckers eating my shit.

They are budding nicely and I dont want to lose to much to fucking animals. Its bad enough we have to worry about cops, people, and now animals.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Hope Irene dont fuck up too many peoples grows this year, and the obvious chance of death or losing everything else ya know.


Well-Known Member
Build a scarecrow, they have coyote and cougar urine repellants, I use fishy ferts to deter rabbits, or you could put chicken wire around them.


Well-Known Member
scarecrow in the middle of a field might be a heat score but I will lookk into coyote or cougar urine or just throw some fish down lol trying to keep it low pro so chicken wire may not bee good. dont want the low flying choppers or planes to see it. it was pretty bad last week a hot air balloon landed about 500-750 ft away from them. I though for sure cops were gonna jump out even though thats the stupidest mode of transportation for them and it would never happen it gets scary either way. thanks


Active Member
you can put up rows of fishing line to keep the deer away from them. Put three rows about 3 and 6 feet away from plants. as far as rabbits and stuff go, use predator urine such as coyote or fox. Skunk urine will keep everything away though lol.


Active Member
Regular household ammonia. Way cheaper than predator urine. A few bottles of that poured around (not right on top of your plants) could also work. We used to use it to keep bears, raccoons and other varmints away from trash areas (which ate like dinner bells once no people are around) at a ski resort I worked at.


Well-Known Member
thanks guys will try out the fishing line and the ammonia, plus my own urin every time I go see them ill make sure to drink a gallon of pop and other bad stuff so its nasty. at first I thought someone was taking my branches for cloes or something, then i knowtices it was in random spots and it was broken not cut it wasnt clean off the branches i hope this works, thanks again


Well-Known Member
thanks guys will try out the fishing line and the ammonia, plus my own urin every time I go see them ill make sure to drink a gallon of pop and other bad stuff so its nasty. at first I thought someone was taking my branches for cloes or something, then i knowtices it was in random spots and it was broken not cut it wasnt clean off the branches i hope this works, thanks again
yea iv had quite a few run ins with animals this year too, im thinkin urs are in the ground so my solution wont work, but mine are in buckets so what i did was take an empty bucket flipped it over, and place the plant on top of it, rabbits cant eat what they cant reach, as for deer i havent had ne run ins w/ them


Well-Known Member
Product called Liquid fence. I have been doing this for 20 years outside in the brush and this is the best product i have found, i used some fence this year and thought i wouldn't need any liquid fence and the animals got them so i went back to spraying every two weeks, but if you use this product on a regular basis you won't lose any plant's. There are alot of home remedy's but for 12 dollars a bottle i get piece of mind knowing my girl's are safe.
Urine is not really effective neither is the hair method or moth balls i have heard lots of idea's but trust me when i say Liquid fence works. I am a big outdoorsman and piss will only spook mature deer not the young deer that are very plentiful in the spring and summer.


Well-Known Member
]Build a scarecrow
, they have coyote and cougar urine repellants, I use fishy ferts to deter rabbits, or
you could put chicken wire around them

By the time you built the scarecrow you could have a strong fence put in. You will find a herd of hungry deer will smash down that old scarecrow.


Well-Known Member
im going with the fishing line because it suites my situation better, and the liquid fence, and all the dogs poops im tossing neer there too. but ohhhhh baby are they starting to bulk up now


Well-Known Member
Iv'e used the Liquid Fence with good results. Just make sure to reapply after it rains. I also mulch thickly around my plants with dog hair. It retains moisture in the soil very well.I have a Saint Bernard so lots of hair!


Well-Known Member
I used mouse traps early in the season to keep small animals away from my plants.

Pile twigs around your plant. Set the mouse trap and then set it upside down on the twigs. when the critter steps on the twigs the trap goes SNAP. Doller store sells them four for a buck. Works on deer as well for I see hoof marks leaving my grow in a hurry.

You have to go to your plants every few days and reset traps though. Not ideal for large plants. But when they are large I never really had animal problems.

I seen with my own eys that it scares Oppssums and Coons with a test run in my backyard.


Well-Known Member
Buy liquid fence It works I know. No need for a scenario its the same as tristynhawk.
Its really a invisible fence read instructions on bottle and there you go. And the stuff is rank.
No need for fishing wire.