How to stop canna-coconut oil solidifying during straining?

Hi all,

I've been making canna-coconut oil for the first time using my avb, ended up making a much larger batch than anticipated (280g avb which I washed first, and 1100g coconut oil) which means I'm now having to strain it in batches because my cloth/jug combo isn't big enough to do it all at once.

Problem is the oil is solidifying quite quickly (as coconut oil does, but also it's the coldest week we've had in a long time), and while it's a pain (and costly in energy usage), I can repeatedly re-heat the bulk of the mix pretty easily, but the stuff that I leave to strain is getting gloopier and I'm worried much less oil is going through the strainer than could be, and that it's a huge waste.

I've put the straining set-up (pyrex jug with sieve + cheese cloth on top) back in the pot I was using as a double boiler for the infusing part, with some water on a low heat, but it doesn't seem efficient or effective at heating what's at the top, and rather is just keeping the already strained oil warm.

Any ideas?

Edit: I asked this bellow but probably best to add here:
I'm not sure if this is a good or terrible idea - would pouring a little boiling water over the mush heat it up and help it strain faster (need to remove water once it solidifies anyway), or will it somehow ruin the whole thing?
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Can you preheat your oven and then work over that atop the range? The extra ambient heat might help keep it liquid a few minutes longer during your cold spell.
Sadly my oven is at eye level next to the hob, not under it (and there are no nearby radiators, so even if I put the heating up, I doubt it would have much effect). Thanks for the good idea though!
If its next to the hob, then just open the oven after preheating, should still do the same thing. Warmer for your face, though...
I don't think any heat would reach, but I might put the jug on the open oven door, maybe that'll work? Seems so wasteful though, energy wise, so still open to other ideas.
I don't think any heat would reach, but I might put the jug on the open oven door, maybe that'll work? Seems so wasteful though, energy wise, so still open to other ideas.
Of course! Hopefully someone can solve your strain situation. Gotta be frustrating. Stay warm!
I'm not sure if this is a good or terrible idea - would pouring a little boiling water over the mush heat it up and help it strain faster (need to remove water once it solidifies anyway), or will it somehow ruin the whole thing?
Could you heat the mix directly in a pan on the stove, over very low heat? Get it to where it's good and melted but not too hot to handle, so you have more time to work with it before it starts to re-solidify...?

Alternatively, but even more wasteful, coconut oil melts at like 75 degrees F, can you just crank the heat in your house for a day while you're doing this? :P