...and a few days later...
Here's where we stand. I let the honey/cannabis jar sit all weekend. I read one recipe that suggested after however long you heat and let your honey infuse, you should let it sit at room temperature for 24 hours. That was a 'different take' than the others I'd done, and I wasn't really in the mood to mess with it over the weekend. I've re-heated it today so I can strain/pour, but this is where we are:
Note that the stuff below where the plant matter is floating appears to have WAY more particulate matter than it did the day I cooked it. I've been sort of assuming that if anyone gets the 2-ingredient recipe to work, its from having 'mechanical' rather than dissolved THC in the mix...so that means the trichomes must be agitated off of the greens and remain in the honey. As I re-heat this, I'm also doing a small amount of un-altered honey...I'll strain this into a jar then use the extra warmed honey to 'wash' the greens further.
For comparison, the first time I did the 2-ingredient recipe, this was the result:
^^^This has no real psycho-active effect but does have a REALLY effective sedative thing going for it. You don't get any feels but when you shut your eyes, you'll not move for a good 8-10 hours.
The frozen alcohol extraction process currently looks like this:
Probably not going to go too many more days, but it's been sitting at -5f for 3 days now. These buds were not crushed or ground, but left as whole as possible. Would love to strip out the THC but leave as much 'green' behind. I'll also similarly strain and 'wash' the greens with a bit more of the alcohol then at least one of the jars I'm going to try to water-wash the tincture a few times to remove as much flavor/color as possible.