How to Store your BMO"S SPT


Active Member
I almost forgot. after I bubbled the spt for 4 hr. it went back up to it the Vinegar/ Not lasting cause the next day after bubbling my water the ph goes back up..

Do I need to get the ph down for hyrdo?


Well-Known Member
I almost forgot. after I bubbled the spt for 4 hr. it went back up to it the Vinegar/ Not lasting cause the next day after bubbling my water the ph goes back up..

Do I need to get the ph down for hyrdo?
GrowBabyGrow41..... For feeding & watering plants in soil, in pots. I do the following. Two quarts of fert tea (every two weeks) per pot (2 to 4 gallons of soil) on my feeding week. Watering - two quarts per week (2 to 4 gallon pots), on my watering only week - more as needed for low humidity & warmer weather. Feed one week, then Water the next - in constant rotation.
In Hydro you must maintain a pH of 5.2 to 5.8 for best results.
Test your res water pH, then add 1/3 of your tea - wait one hour & recheck the res water pH (if it went out of range over 5.8 pH) add pH down to your tea. Then add half of the remaining tea, to your res. Wait one hour and recheck the res water pH & TDS/EC before adding the remaining amount. If the res pH is still high - more pH down in the tea.
With teas in Hydro - Never dump it all in at once. Better to make small additions and small adjustments to avoid big problems.
pH adjustments are not as necessary with soil - since it is a natural buffer zone for the plants roots. You do need to get your tea down to at least a pH of 6.8 in my opinon. Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, grape juice and lime juice all work. Plus Earth Juice natural pH down is good. Most of the natural pH downs are only temporary fixes. Plus the longer you bubble a tea, the more the pH will drift because of nutes being broken down and excretions of the micro-beasties. So, expect the changes over time, don't let them worry you. Just adjust your tea - just prior to watering it into your soil, or adding it to your res.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic....


Active Member
Great Info. Thanks alot!! That helps me out a lot.... I found promix in my town, after I long search. so hopefully things go smoother from here on out.