How to survive prison?


Well-Known Member
i saw a guy get doused with 190 for callin a cripple guy a cripple..

u just gotta watch what u say period


Active Member
I’m not from USA. You’re nicks sound F’ing nutz. I’ve been in several nicks in Europe, 3 of which were CAT A. My first CAT A I was only 17. Plus a “Short Sharp Shock” when I was 14.
I’ve only every come across 1 arse rape (while on youth remand). It just doesn’t go on like it does over there.

Most just wanna do their bird as easily as possible. An arse rapist is a nonce and should be treated as such.

1.mind your own biss.
2.find a group you fit in wit.
3.keep busy


Active Member
I never joined a gang. I was only doing 25 months and did not want to do more.
Gangs in prison have their role. They are a sort of twisted equilibrium to eachother and the cops. Most prisoners seperate themselves by color and race, with the latinos also going sereno and norteno, and the blacks with their gang from the street.
Gangs can get you things. Drugs, protection and other stuff. They also make you do things for that help. You hold guns and drugs. You hurt people. You extort. You rape. Things that besides being repugnant, will also get you more time than some weed would. So, unless you are doing real time, stay away.
I was able to walk a very narrow line inside, because I was an educated white boy that knew the rules and didnt play games. I was there to do my own time and not anyone elses. I also didnt look or talk at the other races or even the total backwoods crackers as if I was any better then them.
What the fuck is this prison 101? ur a joke.


Active Member
p.s. do your time and STOP SNITCHING

Best thing I found was try not to disrespect anyone else, and by no means let yourself be disrespected. The only ones that get rapped are the ones that want to. 60% of everyone on the inside (at least in the US that is) are there for some sort of drug related offense, and they will be getting out soon enough, and nobody will want to fuck up there chances of going home.

Just keep your mouth closed and eyes open...

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
Idk, but If I ever go to jail, I'm just gonna take whatever school stuff I can, workout alot, and think about weed. and some shit's going down if anybody tries to fuck my ass


Active Member
I was incarcerated for 5 years with the feds. Recently got off of 3 years paper with them. One of the biggest learning experiences in my life. Loving the freedom to blaze up again. Look for those of you who aren't just smokers or silly kids, but actual crusaders that risk your freedom to cultivate, sell to us smokers, etc. Let me drop some wisdom on you so you don't have to learn the way I did. I'm going to start with things to keep you out of prison and or keep you from doing more time than your willing to do. 1)Know the laws of the state you are in and federal law concerning what you are involved in so you know how much time you face if you ever get busted. You should know if you get caught with 98 plants vs. 110 or distributing a quarter vs. an ounce what the punishment will be. Make sure if your doing the crime your willing to do the time. 2)Don't tell anyone $hit about what your doing. If you want to stay out of prison this is the most important rule. Of course those of you who deal or have big gardens and have to involve others say how? Well I don't have the space in this post to go in to detail about how not to. But remember this the least amount of people the better, the least amount those people know the better, the least amount of time they know it the better. 3)Don't flash your goods or money ever. 4)Research what you do. Examples are dealing with smell, heat, light, electric usage or how stings are set up or how they spot plants from the air in outdoor gardens. 5)Don't keep all you eggs in one basket. Meaning plants, product, money, scales should not be kept together when ever possible. 6)No guns at any spot that they can tie you to whether they're legal or not. If you get caught with drugs and guns you will either get a 2 point gun enhancement or a (924c-use of a fire arm in commission of a felony) in the feds the first one will add about 2 years to your sentence the second charge will add 5 years. If you worried about your safety doing what your doing then your f*&king with the wrong people. My advice for protecting residence is a couple of big dogs. 7)Be anonymous whenever possible. This includes internet surfing, using visa gift cards or cash, remailers, fake ids, cars and residences that can't be traced back to you. 8)Don't look the part. Meaning dress like a nerdy office guy drive a clean car. 9)Don't be a dumbf#%k. Meaning don't drive around speeding, high, with broken tail light, a pipe, a gun, etc. ever even when you not making a delivery or transferring plants etc. Also don't be the douche who has people over to look at his plants or throws parties at the grow spot. I shouldn't even have to write this rule, but from the posts I've read some people need it spelled out for them. 10)Know that LE are dirty and will manipulate the system every time. They will count cuttings in the trash as plants, they will lie and cheat to get you. 11)Know what criteria it takes to be charges with conspiracy, an organizer, kingpen, or be charged with running a criminal enterprise and the amount of time they will ram up your arse for those. 12)Consult two attorneys one who's an expert in federal law and one who is an expert in the state you live in, tell him you writing a book or doing research for a paper and ask them everything you want to know. Don't give your real name and pay in cash. Well I'm done for now I could write a whole book. Hope this helps some of you. The only law that I break now only constitutes a misdemeanor ticket were I live so suck it LE.


New Member
If a cop told me:
"You can either go to prison for a month, or have R Kelly piss on you and go free"

I wouldnt hesitate:
"Bring in R Kelly, and tell him to stay away from my eyes"...

"Its better go get pissed on on the outside, than fucked in the butt on the inside"

That is funny yet makes sense. Do whatever you can to stay out of that damn place.


Well-Known Member
I read about half way through this thread last night and got real paranoid. I can't read anymore as I could not sleep. All day just thought about what it would be like all I know man is I don't let anyone treat me or talk down to me on the outside. i'll i would have is self respect and leave your emotions at the door. all who went through this you definetly have stories to tell. Thank you, good luck stay real. peace


Well-Known Member
be a man stand your ground dont be a punk bitch and you will survive prison fine thats as simple as it is:!:
Thats very true... but also, don't take the macho thing too far. Yes, if you act weak, you'll be targeted... but if you act like you're a tough guy, you'll also be targeted. There will be other tough guys who want to find out how tough you really are. Or maybe they will feel threatened by your demeanor and will feel like they should just stab you and eliminate any possible competition.

My advice would be...

1. Don't present yourself as weak

2. Don't present yourself as the toughest motherfucker in the place

3. Don't borrow anything

4. Work out

5. Be respectful to other inmates as well as the guards

6. Keep to yourself and don't talk a lot

7. Don't leave your property unattended (grooming products, clothing etc.)

8. Never back down and don't give anyone part of your meal

9. Stay out of any criminal activity. Find something constructive to do

10. Get plenty of soap on a rope


Well-Known Member
surviving prison ain't shit, people get you all nervous and worried about it. before i went, i was so nervous about going, but after i got there i saw it really wasn't shit. I thought prison was great compared to sitting in county jail. prison is kind of like high school, if your a dumbass somebody is eventually going to kick your ass (it's like that everywhere). i would like to tell anyone who is going down for their first time not to be so worried, it won't be as bad as everyone makes it out to be. don't buy weed that you can't pay for, don't gamble if you can't pay, and don't run your mouth. peace.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
oh no i dont mean be a tough guy just be strong and stand your ground if need be win or lose. grow specialist list is basically it if your seen as weak your stay will seem extra long put simply "if you look like food your gonna get eaten";-)


Active Member
My friend was telling me about this book where this guy goes to jail and he basically outlines tricks of the trade he picked up from his experience. Don't remember what it's called though.