how to tell when done?


is there a way to tell if you plant is ready to be harvested without microscope i have ordered 1 but is still not here.. my plant is only about 5 weeks into flowering but most of the hairs on it are brown or browning(it is still producing white).. i am completely new to this and have never growin before.... although i have a few mates that think they know everything i hae been told about 5 different things... 1 mate says they normally take about 8-9 weeks to be ready and another says once they are brown and browning it is ready... who should i be listening to?


Active Member
they could be finishing early due to environmental stress...or maybe you have a super fast strain... need more info to get a good answer


sorry should have said it is outdoor. do have some photos from about a week ago on my link at the bottom.. i did go away for about 10days and all it got was water no feeding i usually give it superbloom twice a week... as for strain i am not sure a mate had a seed and said to have a ago.. before i buy anything


:leaf:BEST info I can givee ya is to go get "Jorge Cervante's" bible for growing Medical Marijuana -OR-Either go to a local "radio Shack" or buy online for $12.00 a tiny loop or hand held microscope to look at the "trichomes" color. When they turn to a milkycolor-the fifi is ready. NOW, remember that a sample leave off of the very top of any plant is not going to recieve the same amount of sunlight as a bottom leave or a side leave or bud. The sunlight is the main force bringing out the tri's- so keep this in mind when taking samples to look at. ALSO! ! IF ya wait too long the color of the tri's turns to a slightly (caution light)yellowish/ gold AND that means to get her cut down right away 'cause her time is over and your "high" is gonna be mainly lame.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
the earliest i've seen a strain finish is in 7-8weeks. You still got time for your scope to come in, just be patient.