How to tell when plants are ready?


Active Member
Hi everyone

Im growing 3 autos and at the moment there at seedling stage

But my question is how do I tell when there ready?

Cheers guys :-)


Well-Known Member
It just gets more exciting! My first crop is at 7 weeks and 3 days flower so I'm nearly there now and the changes in them have been amazing to watch. Well, right up until the last few days when those changes started including mold and foxtailing.... sigh! But you have autos so you won't have so long to wait. I have a couple of Heisenberg Special auto seedlings on the go in my veg closet at the moment, just getting 3rd set of true leaves, they're the first I've run from seed and I can't believe how cute they are :bigjoint:


Active Member
Its an amazing feeling watching them sprout up each day

Its definitely been an education, already feel that with my next grow Iv learnt abit so not as many mistakes next time round, plus il upgrade my kit abit bongsmilie

Will put a pic up of my seedlings later