How to transplant clones

I have 20 clones under cheap CFL bulbs in red solo cups. Some are better than others, obviously. They will be 3 weeks old this weekend.

When I transfer next week, they'll go into 2 gallon containers under 24 hours of light for 1 more week, then on a 12/12 schedule

Should I bury the taller ones deeper and keep the height even? I've heard if you bury deep they grow roots, and I can't see more roots as a bad thing.

That being said, would anyone be interested in seeing a clone that gets only water and no nutes? Just to see the difference.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
if its stem is very tall then yes then put it deeper . no you cant show us the difference with feeding clones or not . some root very fast with only water and very green . some are fed heavy but still turn pale green . some mother plants are fed heavy with nutrients but take up to 5 weeks to root but still very dark color .