How to transport.


Well-Known Member
Dude, you can't move with plants, I say take your loss and start fresh. Unless you're going local, you can cover them in trashbags, but the one time I attempted that, my plants got too stressed and had a real crappy yield.


Well-Known Member
if you are not into flowering right now you may just take clones and feed the remains to the rabbits. a shitload of clones is easyer to move than an entire plant. i can tell you since i done it once:D 5 feet plant covered with some cotton sheet, moved it over 80 miles to get busted by a friends mother, her 12ga. is still waiting for me:(
if your plant are just like a feet high, put them in moving boxes, if the are like 2-3' put 2 boxes together and duct tape them well;) but don't do what i tried back then:D