How to treat a Nitrogen deficiancy?


Active Member
I read on rollitup's thread that you either use nitrogen soda or an organic fetilizer to treat a nitrogen deficiancy. I just transfered my plants into FFOF soil and that is organic so that should correct the problem? (I hope!) Any thoughts? Tips? Suggestions? +rep Thanks!


Well-Known Member
If you just transplanted them into FFOF then all you need too do is water for the next 3 or 4 weeks. It has enough nutes to get them off to a nice start.


Well-Known Member
I read on rollitup's thread that you either use nitrogen soda or an organic fetilizer to treat a nitrogen deficiancy. I just transfered my plants into FFOF soil and that is organic so that should correct the problem? (I hope!) Any thoughts? Tips? Suggestions? +rep Thanks!
Ocean Forest has a lot of Nitrogen. You may still need to give them a bit of fertilizer depending on how severe it is. If you do fertilize go easy. :leaf:


Active Member
I just transplanted them last night into 3 gal pots with FFOF in em but the problem happend before the transplant. I think the containers I started em in had their nutes used up.


Well-Known Member
I would hold off at least 2 weeks before feeding any Grow Big. And when you start only about a 1/4 tsp. per gallon.


Well-Known Member
clue me in please! :bigjoint:
You don't need fish emulsion. You have plenty of N in the soil already. Just be patient and it should clear itself up in a week or so. The growth that is yellow may not improve but new growth will be healthy and it won't spread. You definitely don't want to be doing too much now that you've transplanted. ;-)


Active Member
You don't need fish emulsion. You have plenty of N in the soil already. Just be patient and it should clear itself up in a week or so. The growth that is yellow may not improve but new growth will be healthy and it won't spread. You definitely don't want to be doing too much now that you've transplanted. ;-)
Thanks for the advice! Def dont wanna overload em!


Well-Known Member
listen here noob if i ever have a N problem i use fish emulsion and i been doin that for days..clears it right up

Nitrogen (N)
Necessary for all phases of plant growth Little new growth, yellow leaves: this being more pronounced in older leaves. Earlier fall leaf drop. New shoots may be red to red-brown. Quick fix: Make weekly foliar applications of fish emulsion or manure tea.
Long term: Apply aged compost, manure, soybean meal or cottonseed meal to the soil once in spring. Seaweed extract will improve the soil environment thus giving nitrogen fixing bacteria a boost.
Who the hell are you calling a noob? His soil has plenty of N in it! If the soil had no Nitrogen in it I would agree but you are telling a person to add way more N than is needed which could burn his plants. Ocean Forest by itself burns some plants! Why the hell would you add more N to soil that is loaded with it? Now go read a book and learn something and quit giving out bad advice! Mkay?:finger:


Who the hell are you calling a noob? His soil has plenty of N in it! If the soil had no Nitrogen in it I would agree but you are telling a person to add way more N than is needed which could burn his plants. Ocean Forest by itself burns some plants! Why the hell would you add more N to soil that is loaded with it? Now go read a book and learn something and quit giving out bad advice! Mkay?:finger:
i use a mixture of FFOF and FF Light warrior, and I still get N problems. Out of 10 grow ops I have had to use extra N every single time. Certain strains require a lot more N than others too. I've noticed Grow Big, or Big Bloom has just enough N in it to help your plant. I think its 6-4-4.

Either way ... your plants need N all the way through...


Well-Known Member
i use a mixture of FFOF and FF Light warrior, and I still get N problems. Out of 10 grow ops I have had to use extra N every single time. Certain strains require a lot more N than others too. I've noticed Grow Big, or Big Bloom has just enough N in it to help your plant. I think its 6-4-4.

Either way ... your plants need N all the way through...
Read the whole thread dude. He just transplanted into Ocean Forest. If he adds too much N he could burn his plants. Another member was trying to tell him he needed to add fish emulsion on top of it. I told him he may need to add more N at some point but not right yet. Yes, the soil will probably run out but not 2 days after transplant. You are cutting your soil with a seed starting mix that has very little N in it. So you are going to have to add N sooner. Now go ahead and point out where you think I'm wrong. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Nitrogen (N)
Necessary for all phases of plant growth Little new growth, yellow leaves: this being more pronounced in older leaves. Earlier fall leaf drop. New shoots may be red to red-brown. Quick fix: Make weekly foliar applications of fish emulsion or manure tea.
Long term: Apply aged compost, manure, soybean meal or cottonseed meal to the soil once in spring. Seaweed extract will improve the soil environment thus giving nitrogen fixing bacteria a boost.


Well-Known Member
hahaha u fool..i use nothing but FFOF soil when i grow and i add fish emulsion right off the bat plus 20%strength on my nutrients..i dont wait a month like all the noobs say i do my own thing bro stop reading shit on the internet and see for urself ya trool.. and i've never had any burns or N problems..if u can read correctly it says use as a foliar spray i never said anything about adding it to the soil
Where did I say anything about adding it to the soil? Didn't think so. Call me all the names you want bro. He is free to do as he wishes. They're his plants and personally I don't care whose advice he chooses to follow. Perhaps whatever you are growing can handle the extran N but he has a minor deficiency and just transplanted into Ocean Forest. Read the bag dude, it has fish and crab meal already in it. Plus earthworm castings and bat guano. It's got plenty of stuff in it and I only speak from experience not from reading. Any advice I give is stuff I have experience with. I don't post unless I do. It seems you like to go around giving bad advice and picking fights with people. Have fun because I'm unsubscribed from this thread. :finger:

BTW I've been growing since the mid 90's so call me a noob all ya want, I learned most of what I know about growing from experience not internet forums. :weed:


Well-Known Member
and how can u say u speak on experience?? did u not hear me when i said i add fish emulsion pretty much right off the bat to my soil (right after the first watering)..obviously i wont add it my first watering but right after that i start using nutrients and additives..i speak from experience i dont think u are cuz if u were and have tried what i said i do u would HAVE to agree with me..what do u think ima come on here and just talk out of my telling u what i do bro and i keep it green believe that


Well-Known Member
dude are u retarded?? u said "he doesnt need N in his soil its already rich in N" then i said "when did i say add the fish emulsion to the soil" r u following now?
No I said the soil has plenty of N in it already so he doesn't need to be adding more N. Still calling names I see. People are smart enough to see that the person who is throwing the insults is usually the one who is wrong. You do what you want. I never said that your growing style was wrong. What I said was he has plenty of Nitrogen in the soil already. If that is untrue then I'd like for you to prove it. The OP is free to do what he wants. It is my opinion that Ocean Forest has plenty of N in it already. I expressed my opinion on how to fix his Nitrogen deficiency, and I did it without insulting you so why do you feel it necessary to do so to me? :confused: