Thanks, fdd2blk, the only bugs I've seen are fungus gnats and not swarms of them. I haven't been able to scare up any larvae which I think are the ones that do the damage. So far I've tried digging through the soil to look for them as I've been told you can see them twitching, looked for them in pools of water when feeding and put potato slices in each pot with no takers.
Every time I water I add some
Fungus Gnat Larvacide
Concentrate of BT Israelensis used at 10 drops per gallon (hand water top inch of medium) kills fungus gnat and mosquito larva.
But, I have to admit I havent been using tht high of a rate but have been using it every watering from day one. I just saw those instructions on the web site - teh bottle says one drop can treat like forty gallons (of pond water) or something like that.
Havent seen any other bugs and it is lterally every new growth. We'll see what happens in the next few days.
Thanks again.