how to use pilers


Well-Known Member
is it just a slight squezze and bend, this silver haze is getting out of hand

Are you trying to supercrop her? You don't really need pliers just use your hands...take the part where you want to bend and squeeze it till you feel the inside get soft, bend SOFTLY in the direction you want it to go and you should be all set...the trick is be gentle if the stem is woody or you will snap it completely off.


Well-Known Member
If you want to pinch. Go side to side a few times. It will get soft and roll over. After a few you'll get the feel for it.


Well-Known Member
Find the point on the plant where you think that she will not out grow once cropping.Once you have found this point on the plant then squeeze her between two fingers squeezeing harder and harder count to about 30 then when you let go she will fold over.Once you have done this then put a tie wrap losely around the bend not too tight.She will start to grow back up the side of the original plant.This can be realy scary if you have not done it before but within a few grows it will become easy and can be a great tool in any growers armery.Sometimes you will have to do this during the flowering stage but i would advice supercropping any plants that you know have a tendecy to get big a couple of weeks before flowering.By doing this it will not cause any unnessasey shock to the plant and can give the plant a massive yeild..tyke................