How to use the Illuminated Microscope from RadioShack? Please help!


Well-Known Member
I have no idea how to use it, i've turned the little light on & off, the little plastic piece on & off, all I see is a big white circle, no idea what im doing wrong. It's the Illuminated Microscope 60x-100x from RadioShack.
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
You have to have it up close, stay completely still, and then focus with the wheel without moving an inch.

I wish you the very best of luck.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
a birdy recently pointed me to taking a small leaf off the girl and then putting that on some paper and doing it flat on a desk as opposed to desperately trying to focus it and keep it still.

Illegal Smile

It's a poc IMO. But you need to trim off a little piece of bud, then put it under the scope on a hard light color surface. Then it is a matter of focusing it. A real vintage school microscope on ebay can be had for $25 or less, and the difference is unbelievable. Checking trichs accurately is an important part of my grow, and I would never trust it to anything but a real scope.


Well-Known Member
It's a poc IMO. But you need to trim off a little piece of bud, then put it under the scope on a hard light color surface. Then it is a matter of focusing it. A real vintage school microscope on ebay can be had for $25 or less, and the difference is unbelievable. Checking trichs accurately is an important part of my grow, and I would never trust it to anything but a real scope.
I still don't think you can beat a 2$ loupe off ebay for value vs quality.


Well-Known Member
Yea, that thing is really difficult to use. The rollers that you use to focus are reversed. So, when you're trying to bring something in to your frame or in to focus, move the knobs backwards of what seems right. I would only use the 60x, and even then you're going to have to use a small piece of bud.

I use a printers loupe. They're great if you can find one.


Well-Known Member
Yea, that thing is really difficult to use. The rollers that you use to focus are reversed. So, when you're trying to bring something in to your frame or in to focus, move the knobs backwards. I would only use the 60x, and even then you're going to have to use a small piece of bud.

I use a printers loops. They're great if you can find one.


Active Member
Just set it, then rest the bud on a table, move the whole scope back and forth until the image is clear, i dont mess with the knobs


Well-Known Member
it really helps to get something with really small print.. get your scope on that and do your focusing. once you can easily read the fine print/it is clear you are all set... now you will be able to see what you want to a bit easier.. starting with the scope IN FOCUS helps a great deal though..