How to use the RIU FAQ

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from your last post with pictures...alll i can say is thats what thumbnail is people are able to click it to make the photo bigger...which is what thumbnail is
it almost like heres a little preview picture...and if the user clicks it than they can make it bigger to have a better view
maybe I didn't explain it right, I posted pics. 1 posted as a thumbnail and the rest posted as very large images without having to click on them, also off topic,, where is my roll it up ( tab ) located if this makes sense. thank you
maybe I didn't explain it right, I posted pics. 1 posted as a thumbnail and the rest posted as very large images without having to click on them, also off topic,, where is my roll it up ( tab ) located if this makes sense. thank you
we no longer have a my rollitup
if youre looking for your subbed threads.
its under "watched threads" which can be found at the top of this page in the lime green area.

ahh i get your question now i believe its the file size they ended up being clikcable to big pictures on a different window/tab.
Can someone tell me where the "like" button is? I'm new to posting and can't find the like button.
no signature option to go to help!

I'm tryin to edit my signture, its a 3 year old grow still in there, cant find the the signature tab under settings. its just not there for some reason. even though one of the posts here clearly shows the signature tab but when i go there, its not there for me. whats going on?
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no signature option to go to help!
when we switched to the new format certain ranks got less permissions, so even thoughy ou joined in 2011 because you didnt particpate on the board much it may have put your permissions lower.

if you click your name on the right hand corner
doy ou see "Signature" sig.jpg if not you jsut need to become a higher ranked member which is fairly easy go chit chat it up ont he board ect
yup no sig option for me, it goes personal details then contact details. so i have to be a higher rank member to do sigs again? i see, can you delete my signature for me please? now that i look back, what i put there seems stupid now, and i dont wanna sport an old grow journal i didnt bother finish posting about. (grow did go well though)
yup no sig option for me, it goes personal details then contact details. so i have to be a higher rank member to do sigs again? i see, can you delete my signature for me please? now that i look back, what i put there seems stupid now, and i dont wanna sport an old grow journal i didnt bother finish posting about. (grow did go well though)
Yeah i can totally delete it for you!
thank you! :bigjoint: yea i wasnt feeling the love with my journal back then so i stopped posting here. then about a week ago i came across HB's dyna-grow vs AN grow and would like to get in touch with HB and get advice on my current grow (going Dyna). Thanks a ton for the help Sunni :eyesmoke:
thank you! :bigjoint: yea i wasnt feeling the love with my journal back then so i stopped posting here. then about a week ago i came across HB's dyna-grow vs AN grow and would like to get in touch with HB and get advice on my current grow (going Dyna). Thanks a ton for the help Sunni :eyesmoke:
absolutely no problem if you need anymore help just contact me again! ill be sure to help you ASAP but i work weekends so bare withm e if i take a bit!
OOooh - I have question?

How full can my box be? I have heard, that no matter how gaping and enormous my box may be in my mind's eye - I can only fit a finite amount of people in there...

How much can my box hold?

Thank you!

OOooh - I have question?

How full can my box be? I have heard, that no matter how gaping and enormous my box may be in my mind's eye - I can only fit a finite amount of people in there...

How much can my box hold?

Thank you!

If you need help figuring it out, I will volunteer to help fill your box
OOooh - I have question?

How full can my box be? I have heard, that no matter how gaping and enormous my box may be in my mind's eye - I can only fit a finite amount of people in there...

How much can my box hold?

Thank you!

i believe its like 100 or 50....could be wrong on that since i havent actually found out since we switched from vbulletin to xenforo and i personally dont have a size limit
i believe its like 100 or 50....could be wrong on that since i havent actually found out since we switched from vbulletin to xenforo and i personally dont have a size limit
Oh whew - my box isn't NEARLY that full....crisis averted! Thank you!
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