How too Harvest 1/2 pound with 250w+LST!

Well dog.. I'm not going to get a half pound but I'm grateful I'm still teachable. "Stuck" with CFLs for this go round but if I add all the bulbs, socket extenders, fans, fixtures, timers, and on and on I could have bought at least a 250 watt light maybe even a 400 or 600. A couple of benjamin's and I too could have made a run at the 1/2 lb mark.
:leaf: I'm pinning and lsting the ^%$#& out of these. Even thru a pinch in for good measure. These guys have been vegging for five weeks now so I guess it's time to switch over. Going to run out of pot size(2.5gallon) and light pretty quick.
You say you flowered them a bit and then went to string? How long did it take before you had enough stem to tie? I can see how you were able to pull the pins. The major stems are woody and not going anywhere. I have some heavy fishing line which shouldn't cut them and if they respond to tying as well as they did to being harshly pinned AND plucked then they will be in good shape.
Thanks for the inspiration dog and may you get your 1/2 pound!! You deserve it!! Been gardening outdoors for 35 years (maters and taters and other lame shit) but can't say I was ever as excited about picking beans from the garden as I am about picking bud from a box someday.



Do you think she will mind having been so rudely messed with? I'm guessing in a week you won't even be able to tell she was violated. Most of the pins are hidden by leaves in the b4 shot.

This girl was pinched once and then lsted. She liked it.
Well don't worry about using fishing wire just yet. I did'nt even think of using fishing wire until middle of flower....When I was vegging the plant did not get the tall at all.......Once plant goes into flower the plant will stretch more and get taller. Once You feel your plant is a good height after and full (middle of flower) take your string and pull her down again opening the middle of the plant to light. Then removed all post or paper clips you were using and let the string do the magic. I give you another example.....Now this plant is a little different just because I didnt LST her very early in life, I LST late but Same concept once your plant flower and stretches more.....this plant has not even stretched yet, It will double up in size when flowering@ Also once this plant goes into flower I will have to string her again and pull her down because it may be to tall for my licking right now :leaf::leaf:

Well dog I do have a LONG ways to go before I worry about tying anything back. You seem to be going VERY gentle on the plant in the pic. Your not muscling her at all are you? Seems like you could pull her WAY back!! It also looks like you have a lot more room than I do as well. I may have to let them go more vertical. I am sure my little 4x2x2 box is gonna be full of greenery. I hope to make a much bigger grow room after the Christmas nightmare is over and outfit it with a lot more light. Thats a heavy poundage fishing line you got going on. Cutting into the stem shouldn't be an issue for you at all?? I gotta say that this is the first time I have ever DEFOLIATED a plant but I just don't think they care. I also think I may break out some nutes. I have only been using my own teas up until this point but I bought (arg) a bottle of Alaska Fish emulsion in a weak moment so I will see what that does.
Rock on dudeski...
Well dog I do have a LONG ways to go before I worry about tying anything back. You seem to be going VERY gentle on the plant in the pic. Your not muscling her at all are you? Seems like you could pull her WAY back!! It also looks like you have a lot more room than I do as well. I may have to let them go more vertical. I am sure my little 4x2x2 box is gonna be full of greenery. I hope to make a much bigger grow room after the Christmas nightmare is over and outfit it with a lot more light. Thats a heavy poundage fishing line you got going on. Cutting into the stem shouldn't be an issue for you at all?? I gotta say that this is the first time I have ever DEFOLIATED a plant but I just don't think they care. I also think I may break out some nutes. I have only been using my own teas up until this point but I bought (arg) a bottle of Alaska Fish emulsion in a weak moment so I will see what that does.
Rock on dudeski...

Just being gentle taking my time when I LST, with the Wire.....Input: Turn on your radio and listen to your music while you treat her like a babe. You take care of HER, She takes care of YOU........Take you time. You wont be disappointed at the end.
Day 54 in flower- Day 123 from seed
Hey guys. Well It is extremely close to harvest day but guess what. SHE IS NOT READY.......ALL TRICHOMES ARE CLEAR........Has anyone grown White widow before? What is the harvest time on her. I was reading about 9-11 weeks! Is this true? Dam, I was so Hype to cut her down over here. Now I have to wait longer as well as all of you guys! :wall: Well as of now she is filling in really nice......Starting to become heavy, fat buds that look wet and sticky icky....RRRRRRR I want to smoke it!
Patience! Well here are a few pics. If anyone has any advice on harvest day please post it up....will REP.... DSC03289.jpgDSC03271.jpgDSC03273.jpgDSC03274.jpgDSC03275.jpgDSC03283.jpgDSC03270.jpgDSC03276.jpgDSC03277.jpgDSC03294.jpgDSC03284.jpgDSC03285.jpgDSC03295.jpgDSC03300.jpgDSC03301.jpgDSC03302.jpgDSC03282.jpgDSC03281.jpgDSC03279.jpgDSC03280.jpgDSC03308.jpgDSC03311.jpgDSC03313.jpgDSC03309.jpgDSC03314.jpgDSC03310.jpg
id use a microscope and go by trichs cuz she is close.i like em more on the amber side than cloudy side.... cuz im a burnout lol
Don't know if they are ripe or not dog but they sure look sweet. Well anyway they do look like they have a little bit to go and I gotta say I admire your patience. There making me tingle like my wife used too. Just so damm pretty!!
hell ya doggy i cant wait till i get growing my ww. your plant looks awsome n tasty widow is a great smoke man i cant wait to see what you get outa her.
nice buds dude ok well if your not gonna harvest now just MAKE SURE you post DRY WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so many grows if seen and been like yes i have the same plant or im doing the same technique and then "ill post havest pics and dry weight" and then nothing ever It sucks lol
Dog will let us know what the final yield is for sure. In this case he set himself a personal goal of a half a pound under 250 watts. I'm not sure if he's going to get it this time but he's going to be close and I am rooting for him. I figured if he does not make it this time we will see attempt number 2. I'm sending him all the good karma I can muster. A half pound under 250 watts of light would be spectacular.
hell yeah ... honestly even 5 or 6 oz's off a litte girl is great , either way ur a winner dogg . i got a 1000 and i dont get that
Thanks guys.....Love everyone's comments........I'm going to let this WW plant grow for a tad longer to get these trichs to turn colors. I will for sure keep everyone updated here....I will post up dry weight pics and all once I harvest this babe. I'm just sad because I wanted to harvest next week....but its ok....Patience is key to growing and harvesting a plant that is not ready would be real stupid. I'm going to harvest between 9-11 weeks as the trichs flip.....
Stay Tuned, keep watching the thread. Will update pics soon.
i think your biggest problem is gunna be that you don't know what sex it is.. it would be devistating to do all the LST work and wait the long wait only to find out that you've been training a male plant! .. start from clone! LST soon after after root system has developed.
doggy check out what ive got so far, i was possibly going to run to a local hobby lobby and get a foam cone place it in the pot but carve a spot so you dont smush the plant and have the plant go around the pot once and then soon as you get all the way around it have it start spiraling upwards by sticking the clips straight into the foam. i figured by using the foam i wont have much of a problem with the branches running into eachother check out what i got so far
doggy check out what ive got so far, i was possibly going to run to a local hobby lobby and get a foam cone place it in the pot but carve a spot so you dont smush the plant and have the plant go around the pot once and then soon as you get all the way around it have it start spiraling upwards by sticking the clips straight into the foam. i figured by using the foam i wont have much of a problem with the branches running into eachother check out what i got so far

You the second or third guy that said that. Man honestly If you LST correctly and adjust all your main stems properly you won't have a mess of stems going everywhere. See while you LST you have to sit and think what is your next position for the plant. Its like playing chess, you have to think 10 steps ahead and have that visual picture in your head......Even if there is a lot of stem going everywhere its ok, You can eithier CLone some or Prune to where you have mainly main stem.....sorta of.