How worried should I be about the sea of seeds data leak? Should I quit growing?

i love cannabis

New Member
Agreed they never follow up on the customs love letters. So why would they now? And how many law enforcement agencies do you think saw the info?
when your letters\parcels etc are going through the postal system, they own the post until it gets delivered.
the customs letters is about them trying to get you to claim the post.


Active Member
when your letters\parcels etc are going through the postal system, they own the post until it gets delivered.
the customs letters is about them trying to get you to claim the post.
Really? I thought when you got letter saying they have seized your package because there was seeds in it, they are issuing you a warning not to do it again?

I don't know about them trying to get you to claim your package? If it's not aloud in the country it's not aloud?

If it gets seized by customs the only ones that can actually launch an investigation into where it is, are the people who sent it and have all the appropriate paper work.

If you recive a letter from customs- Well it's pretty obvious what has happened to it any way.



Well-Known Member
You could still be prosecuted. You didn't live in Washington at the time, nor did you jump through whatever legal hoops they require. So you were in violation of Washington state law, and Federal law. Perhaps being a small fish in a big pond may save you.
Your tone comes across as bragging that people are in a shit situation or you have a hard on for the letter of the law, either way disturbing for a "grower"

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
Your tone comes across as bragging that people are in a shit situation or you have a hard on for the letter of the law, either way disturbing for a "grower"
Pretty sure that we've already established that Red is a cop. Not just any cop though. He's the worthless type. The kind that has 'desk duty'. :finger:


Active Member
Shotgun you are right sos was not hacked, the third party company has held there hands up to it (which we are dealing with legally) they said when they done an update last year on the payment by post they failed to check the security on them pages and in turn the pages were indexed now there were around 15 order conformation pages that were online, now the thousands of customer conformation pages we have were not indexed but if you used the link and change the order number at the end of the link this would of brought up the order with the the order number at the end of the link if that makes sense, this is why we shut the site down so these links would not work this left around 6 orders that were cached in google which most have been removed. Please also note Credit or debit card were NOT compromised as you only dealt with Sage pay through this process. Even though Sos had another company deal with the developing and maintaining of the site Sos has held there hands up even though they would never of known this would of or could of happened, We know we now have X customers due to this and completely understand, We would like to apologise to whom ever was at risk.
On another note we will not be using the site when we go live hopefully next week end we have been working on another site since last december with another developer so everyone that will use us again can rest assured this will not happen again we now have security measure's in place.
About the card problem we have been experiencing this is not unusual for seedbanks we have now got another facility in place as well as other payment options.
I hope this has answered most questions floating about....
Many thanks again for all the support we have had through this hard time :) We will be opening with a one off 1 week promo to say thanks.

Peace out
scary data leak..but I love you guys too much to stop using you!
hope the site is up soon!

Keep on your hosting company constantly about updates and testing stability afterwards.
I'd be mad as shit if I were you....


Active Member
Pretty sure that we've already established that Red is a cop. Not just any cop though. He's the worthless type. The kind that has 'desk duty'. :finger:
show some respect...
I'm no fan of current mj law...but
most cops sacrifice a great deal to serve their communities as professionals.
and at such a high personal risk.
how about, instead of bitching about police..
go bitch at your LEGISLATORS!


Well-Known Member
EOk shitting a brick wright now.I ordered som beans from sos befor I found out about the question is will they send me my order? I check the mail box everyday like a damn crack head can someone please help put my mind at sending me a pm a message


Active Member
EOk shitting a brick wright now.I ordered som beans from sos befor I found out about the question is will they send me my order? I check the mail box everyday like a damn crack head can someone please help put my mind at sending me a pm a message
Don't panic...Sos is great. They stand behind everything they do.
You will get your seeds.....