How would these do?


Well-Known Member

Or just the cord and aa better light, cause the cord alone is around 15 bucks. I was thinking of getting like two to three of these and have a decent veg hood. Would these have a good enought kick or is there a better bang for my buck out there? And for veg I'm doing cfls or T5's. I just have 8 26watt 65K lights and would use those as well as the big lights. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Bleezyboy: Let me start out by admitting that I'm a T-5 fan. I grow meds only for my self in a 2' by 4' tent and I use T-5's from seed sprouting all the way to harvest. Just make sure that you buy a big enough fixture to completely cover your grow, and that's very important. T-5's burn cool enough that you can put them a few inches off the tops of your plants without cooking them and they're pretty cheap to run. A T-5 set up is usually neater with everything tucked into a single reflective fixture being fed by a single cord. A four tube rack four feet long will adequately illuminate a single line of four plants. I also think how you use your lights has a lot to do with how successful you'll be.

I start out with 5,000K lamps on a progressive light schedule that has the lights on for 20 hours a day and off for four hours during the first week. At the end of each week I drop the light by one hour until we're down to ten on and fourteen off. I flower at that photo period until harvest but don't be surprised if at around 14 to 13 hours of light you start to see evidence of preflowering. At that point I switch over from my vegging formula to my flowering nutes.

I think it's only fair to admit that for the last five years or so I've used Technaflora's, "Recipe for Success," exclusively and I haven't had any of the nutes problems that you read about here and at other forums. All you need is good water, a set of measuring spoons and something to check an adjust pH with. I hope this helps. HSA


Well-Known Member
Yeah it does! I really want a T5 set up but I've heard they don't have good penetration. I'm gonna check out your grow to see if I can do that. :) thanks!

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
For vegging I made a simple CFL set up.
2 cheap ass vanity mirror light fixtures (4 socket), and a 24in length of 8in vent (reflector).
8, 23w CFL bulbs. 6, 6500K and 2, 2700K (a 3:1 ratio gives a fuller spectrum).

Parts and bulbs came to less than $100 for 184W & over 12,000 lumens


Well-Known Member
That's awesome! I wanted to do tht but my family friend does good wood work so he's building me a hood. I want big and small cause the bigger cfls have better penetrating power. I like a vanity fixture with some big clfs mixed in tho!


Well-Known Member
Yeah it does! I really want a T5 set up but I've heard they don't have good penetration. I'm gonna check out your grow to see if I can do that. :) thanks!
Bleezyboy: so far that hasn't been a problem. The manufacturer's or both of my fixtures, (different brands), recommend a height of 6" to 1' off the tops of my plants but using the back of the hand method I have adjusted them to as little a a couple of inches off the tops of my plants without a problem.


Active Member
I just went to the hardware store and wires up my own, pig tail light sockets, a couple of electrical boxes and a thick guage extension cord. Did it myself it was cheap and can handle any cfl. Pics of my box and lighting i made are in my sig, take look if you want. But the one you picked should be fine, a bit expensive imo.


Well-Known Member
Yeah? The cord alone is like 11 bucks, do the big cfls use a different base or same as the lil cfls? But yeah I actually wired my setup now but its only four sockets. I'm gonna check out your stuff too tho. Always need new ideas :)