How would you deal with these mites?


Well-Known Member
store ur green in mason jars and it will prevent mold and lock out the humidity
Man, does anyone read? He BOUGHT this weed this way...and told ya it was probably mold :).

Hope it works out for ya man, I'd take it back to the guy, but now you've definitely waited some time.


Active Member
Thanks guys for all the comments i'm gonna try to get this guy on the phone to get him to sort it out but he's not answering (how weird lol).

I usually put it in a air tight jar but this time I only used a boxy zip lock container thinking it would be enough. Guess I was wrong.


Active Member
So I have keep trying to get ahold of the guy that sold me this crap and well he isn't answering the phone. I really don't want to make hash because well i'm not a big fan of it and well I have more chance of screwing it up.

I have read around and I see that my mold problem is very small compared to some peoples cases. Basically the general consensus is dry it out or freeze it.

So this is what i'm thinking of doing.

1. Put it in the oven for 10 min at 150 Fahrenheit.

2. Following that put it in the freezer.

3. 24 hours later start smoking it!

Also from what i've read proper storage is one of two ways:

1. Put the buds in a zip lock bag and try to extract as much air as possible from the bag then put the zip lock in a mason container (vacum sealed is better than zip lock).

2. Put buds in mason jar with 2 inches of air space on the top.

In both cases put mason jar in Fridge.

What do you guys think? I've attached 4 pictures of a close up and another picture of what the bud looks like today since I have had it out drying up in the air.

Thanks in advance!


